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Authorsome info needed
ok im kinda new here and i see great potantiol in this game , to spent my time in and have some fun along the way . just some things need to get out of the way

- clans can co up one and a other ?
- do game admins play this game ? are they evenly defited amogste the clans ? if they play.
- forum admins are not game admins ?
- i readed in the rules that , market walktroughs are not allowed . what do i understand by that ?
- can clan members discus all soort of tactics the game has to offer , if it aint agoinst the rules ? at present time ?

thanks in advance praywithme
and i dont want to get into truble or get banned . buts a great tacticall game i love it already :D
clans can fight each other in player organised PvP tournaments for now, but clan wars are planned for the future

Maybe they have an alternate account where they play on, but if they play on admin account every starts watching and spamming their battle ^^

Correct, they are just regular players like you and me.

I think you mean text quest walkthroughs? We had one text quest before the merge, but now they are only in russian. When they are translated, they will come back. It is quests you can complete without combat and you can not give spoilers or walkthroughs for it, everyone has to figure it out himself.

You are free to discuss all the tactics, in general game forum there is a seperate topic for each faction. If you have any questins or need help with a particular faction, you can also ask it there.
- clans can co up one and a other ?

Do you mean can clan go war with one another ? If i understood right, the Answer is no. There is no such things...

do game admins play this game ? are they evenly defited amogste the clans ? if they play.

Well, Admins (like secretary,empire) wont play. They are Computer controlled characters. Moderators Play.

- forum admins are not game admins ?
Forum Moderators are no admins. Their work is to keep the forum clean.

- i readed in the rules that , market walktroughs are not allowed . what do i understand by that ?
I cant understand this stuff... :(

- can clan members discus all soort of tactics the game has to offer , if it aint agoinst the rules ? at present time ?

Nothing can be done against the rule.

I think you tried Google translator. So, i cant get with the point what you meant correctly...
They are Computer controlled characters. Moderators Play.

moderators dont play those characters either
i think your all forgetting the market is a piece of the game here , and tactics are in place, just wanted to know if i can discuss it with the clan im gone join ?
Yes you can discuss the market. Can you please quote the rule you are referring to?
3.22. Trading walkthroughs and instructions for Text quests is forbidden. It is prohibited to post and/or advertise walkthroughs in character private info, on the forum or in the chat. If a clan site lists a walkthrough, the clan leader is considered responsible.

aha its for quest walkthroughs . so there is a quest thats needs some market info . ok , i know what i need to know thnx all for the info :)

insomia is working on the brain :)
I can see where the misunderstanding comes from. Trading in this sentence means that you cannot share your tactics for the text quests, it's not about walkthroughs for trading. Players are not allowed to share tactics about the text quests, but it's not forbidden to share tactics about the market.
co op means , work together to controle a peace of the production line ? sell and buy . even though clan battles dont exists yet . market wars can become instant . and the on going battle for new plants and factory. , gives some new meaning to the game . i just started but i seem some clans are missing the point . or i am ? but il be writing a guide about it , for gamers and clans to use .

this is stuf for pre clan battles , cant wait to get into clan battles and wars :P
or i see some flaws in game rules , witch needed to be adressed !
for -praywithme-:
co op means , work together to controle a peace of the production line ? sell and buy

The game has no official co op mode. But clans do cooperate with each other, from sharing info about an event, to making mutual strategies (like don't attack the mines in this part of the map and we won't attack in your part of the map).
okidokie i saw most clans are united in a soort of council to make game fair . i have some bad xp with , game where it was admins vs the players . even though it was good fun !
so this topic can be closed !
so this topic can be closed !
I'm pretty sure you already know this, however, there is a button saying [Lock] at the bottom which you can press to Lock your own topic :)
closed by Dragon Eater (2013-07-06 23:24:20)
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