Author | Option in battling roulette addiction |
Maybe admin could introduce a self-ban from roulette for every player.
Why not introduce something like an option to ban ourselves from roulette for a specific time which we could choose? The action should be irreversible. Or maybe that option sets a specific amount of gold that we can bet, lets say 500 gold per day. And if we have bet 500 gold for that day, we cant bet anymore.
I have seen dozens of player battling roulette addiction but to no avail. Maybe this could help? |
Might help reduce cheating / financial assistance for players who don't have enough willpower.
Majority of players won't need this but I am sure some of our younger players could find it useful. |
i need that or my money will "disappear" on the roulette |
i need that or my money will "disappear" on the roulette
you just need self control.
for Lord spiral-doom:
Before posting your brilliant idea, have you considered why a brutal gambling option (double zero roulette) is present in this game ? (in addition to classic Two Towers)
roulette is admins best tool to force gambling addicted players (like usagabro) spend real money to game ;) |
@4 or for players like you and me withdraw gold from roulette :P |
for Lord selfist:
that is why this game is called lords of 'WAR' and money :D |
roulette is admins best tool to force gambling addicted players (like usagabro) spend real money to game ;)
BUt what could be proposed is this option could be with moderators to ban a player from roulette and/or with MC leaders to ban their members from roulette
It could be on request or as an action taken by the MC leader
There could be a forum branch only for this where the players would appeal and mods/leaders could reply so there is no PM overflow
There are a few kinks, but I think it can work :) |
moderators to ban a player from roulette I don't think that moderators should be given this power/ responsibility. Also not sure MC leaders should have it either but guess this second one would depend on the terms of membership for NEW users joining a MC.
This should be a personal choice for people who can't control themselves. Like #4 & #5 I use roulette to withdraw gold from Empire when I need funds. |
I don't think that moderators should be given this power/ responsibility. Also not sure MC leaders should have it either but guess this second one would depend on the terms of membership for NEW users joining a MC.
This should be a personal choice for people who can't control themselves. Like #4 & #5 I use roulette to withdraw gold from Empire when I need funds.
Couldn't have said any better |
If they do this , they gonna become short on income :D 50% of the donors are roulette addicts who have lost huge amounts of gold.. But yeah i love this idea but it will never be implemented.. |
See? My money disappeared on ROulette :D |
After i did my math table of chances on ROulette i've started to win 80% more. |