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   Forums-->Gratitudes and congratulations-->

Author* Angels & Demons Military Clan's Annual Awards 2013 *
Congratzz :)
good job guys!
Congrats :) well good job last year. Hoping better this year :)
#Respect :)
Congratzz !!!!!
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-01-05 18:26:30 // Long string violation
Congrats :) well good job last year. Hoping better this year :)
congrats A&D !:)
Congrats guys!
Congratulations :)
Congrats :) well good job last year. Hoping better this year :)
congrats people)
Congrats guys :)
Proud to be a part of A&D :)
Gz for the winnerz!
Awardz sent!
Congrats. Getting top3 in an event is a big deal.
Gratulations guys!
congrats to everyone but i would also say beware ;)
Gratz :)
Gratz to all A&D members
Congratulations A&D mates :-D
congrats A&D :)

Higher n Higher! :))
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