2011-06-29 23:15: Player blocked. // hacked
2011-06-28 12:35: Received 133000 Gold 29 Gems 29 Crystals 12 Sulfur 12 Mercury 19 Ore 8 Wood from Xamelion_82 : No thanks. But it's a lot to give You can follow any 110K
2011-06-28 12:23: Transferred 234000 Gold 29 Gems 29 Crystals 12 Sulfur 12 Mercury 19 Ore 8 Wood to Xamelion_82, Commission charged: 2340 : gift
2011-06-28 13:55: Received 90000 Gold from Xamelion_82 : I give thanks to debt. Gifts I do not need all the same
this person ( Xamelion_82 ) hacked timout
and transfare all things to his account
please reactive timout account. |