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I recalled wood and ore were always 173-178 gold each..
Now the price is always 180 each...
Are we facing an economy crisis?
Almost every fixed price item in market has increased in value
this is slightly surprising.
there is a slight change only.
but has the lordswm wall street crashed???)
Yes, but to solve that, you can always buy at facilities.
I just notice after u post!
How come !!!
Problem is, facility sells at 180-184 gold each....
Last time u could get them cheaper
Now u cant
Mercury could be easily bought at 348 gold each last time, or lower..
Now they are 350 above
What is your point? Obviously, a small difference in prices of resources will not cause an economic crisis.
Yes, but what caused the increased of price suddenly? What happened?
Mercury only can be bought at 357 gold in the market now...
That is like a 9gold difference from last time
This economic change happened overnight ? Without our Notice ? Thats simply amazing ! :)
I know right...
The answer still roams free... Yet to our knowledge
New facilities was introduced, it generally increased the the demand of resources so prices went up a little bit.

Prices have had small changes during the years and that will continue. This is not a particular drastic change though.
to drageater-

it might be a small change to u
but when we have to buy resources in a lot it can be much much costlier(!
for eg:- we want to buy 100 wood before the inflation it would cost:- 17500
but now if we want to buy wood it would cost 18000.
u see the difference of 500 gold!
this way some people spend for more than 10000 wood and ore.
for such players it would become costly and hard except for players who are roulette kings(
One possible way was that one guy thought that he could buy all the 180-- gold and sell it for 18- to turn a profit. Without accounting for tax, that moron. Then other peopel said "hey, to get my wood sold out, i'd have to sell it cheaper than him. But i can't! I bought my wood for 180 gold. If I sell it, I'll loose money." So that's why people don't sell it much cheaper than 180- which is infact, selling for a loss after accounting for tax.
This only works for resources though. I tried with abrasive to raise it's price, ended up lowering it by 30-40 gold.
resources can be sold for less than facility price while still making a profit, if a clan owns that facility and people enroll there.
e.g. our clan was selling crystals for 353 each at some point, and we still made profit on it.
Sven91 are right.
the game named war and money, facilities owner promote their resources lower then mine price are part of the game.

Resource price raising up during last year christmas event.
so after portal event... then will increase again?

this guy is the cause of it
i tracked him
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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