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Author19th Mixed Tournament
Grammith's initiative received a much more enthusiastic welcome than he could even have supposed. For several days polling departments remained open with scribes working indefatigably, putting to record preferences of every lord and lady who wished to opt. Volumes of ledgers, carefully guarded, got transported to accountants who were to make precise count and, to prevent an error from creeping in, double-check their calculations.
When all results had been processed and could fit into as much as one hand-sized parchment, a messenger traveled to the palace where the warlord was already expecting him. Grammith tore the seal down in one quick tug, and a smile formed on his face immediately. The majority of Empire's armed forces were concordant with their warlord, and that was a pleasant fact to apprehend.

Lords and Ladies,
Based on the poll, the majority of the Empire's heroes and lords chose the Mixed Tournament with 32% votes. Accordingly, Grammith the warlord has announced this contest to be hosted immediately for all participants of combat level 5 and above. Grab the opportunity to participate in a series of group combats with random combat levels allocated in teams of even strength. Exhibit your ability to combat in a mixed team, win Commanders' Guild points (if you have completed the guild trial) and compete for a generous prize fund and an achievement to commemorate your success:


Good luck with your tournament combats!
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