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Author#7755 Syrian's Brotherhood - the discussion topic
We can now enroll while doing you-know-what! Rejoice!
refrain form posting in the Clan's topic on the "Clans section" - since everything is considered a bump and anything carries a ban.

The latrine needs to remain exclusive. Unless you find some external donors who wish to gold plate the latrine... I would go for that. (Perhaps we could upgrade to a Washlet toilet, complete with seat-warmer and spray device).
Perhaps we could upgrade to a Washlet toilet, complete with seat-warmer and spray device

gold plate the latrine

i was actually thinking of electrifying it. so whenever someone is taking too long in there... we zap him! :)
And who said that gold is a bad conductor ? I GOT YA
I want some new friends on the twin toilets so I can have a nice talk when I'm on the toilet. Stb is always mad when I'm sitting next to him so..
/me bans Arc for farting too much in the latrine.
And who said that gold is a bad conductor ?

i wasn't disagreeing, dude... just adding to the thought :)

I want some new friends on the twin toilets

that's kinda gay... but alright, we'll get ya some friends in there

/me bans STB for smelling Arc's farts (it's bad for your health)
Got myself a Russian Bride!
It was about time...
Welcome to heaven, barbara-blade10 :)
i was actually thinking of electrifying it. so whenever someone is taking too long in there... we zap him! :)
That is nasty ! Almost evil !
I like to take my time, after all we got free Wifi and comics ^^
Got myself a Russian Bride!
Time to make her feel like a true woman then ... MAKE HER CLEAN THE LATRINE !!
Time to make her feel like a true woman then ... MAKE HER CLEAN THE LATRINE !!
Look here, Hal, I just something to take with me on my trips that could be at the same time entertaining and good-looking, but costing less than an iPhone...
We will have to share her..
Is the latrine so deep?

Then i have a question - Is the MH370 hiding there?
Nope - we don't have an airport.
Must get stuffy in there with out any air ports.

I can do you a good deals on some holes to fit the ports into. I have a bag full of them somewhere.
Is the latrine air conditioned?
Can we have a in-house bar at the Latrine ?
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