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AuthorStrategy for character build
Hi I am new here and created a character just today and found this gake to be really amazing. It didn,t took me long to realise that this game can be qute complex and careful consideration needs to be given to build a strong character.

I had gone through guides and i have questions about what should be my strategy from the starting to build a strong character.

Q.1: I came across the fact that cross factioning gives you resistance and it could be profitable. Should i cross factions early on in the game to save construction cost or should i stick to 1 faction for awhile in the start or else it would become weak and difficukt to face enemies.

Q.2:I intend to be a knight in long run so against which factions should i get resistance?

Q.3: Are there any fan sites with much useful info about the game?
read this info below.i hope it will help u alot about building strong character

Any additional tips to make a character strong in the combat and economically too will be appreciated.
this is all u need to build you strong character

Q.2:I intend to be a knight in long run so against which factions should i get resistance?

It could be useful to look at the statistics of recent minor tournament (http://lgnd.ru/mt25/balance/lvl/12) to see your worst enemy factions.

However, I think you should stick to knight faction in the beginning. The faction resistance will not matter until much later.
Thank you very much i wil research more on this subject. Some players have mailed me with advices. Alas i could not reply them since im not cl 3 yet. So id like to thank them through this thread, im really touched by their concern and willingness to assist newbies. Im going to enjoy a lot in this community :D

So...how is skyrim these days? say hello to Ulfric for me!
Skyrim has plunged into chaos due to the war. Would gladly give your regards when I drive a sword through that traitors chest.

Q.4: Which map location has best avg wage and a vacancy available in facilities.In short which is the best location to enroll?
Wolf dale
Magma Mines and Sunny city always have enroll place

Q.1: I came across the fact that cross factioning gives you resistance and it could be profitable. Should i cross factions early on in the game to save construction cost or should i stick to 1 faction for awhile in the start or else it would become weak and difficukt to face enemies.

Cross faction early. I'd say play those factions early which you hate the most and won't wanna play at all in the future. By this you cam save up construction costs arising in the future.

Q.3: Are there any fan sites with much useful info about the game?

Nothing more comprehensive than A&D Clan forum.

It covers all spheres of LWM.
Here is a lot of information about the game:

If you want to build a strong character AND develop good strategy and tactics AND enjoy the game :
-Do hunts and later mercenary guild quests, mostly in min AP.
-Do player vs player battles in full AP
-Do not do too many autobattles (quick tournaments and 4x4 events)
-Get a thief guild invitation as soon as possible
-Join a Military Clan around level 10 (unless you play 10 hours a day, then join an MC as soon as possible)

-at "the beginning" of each level, focus more on hunts/quests
-at "the end" of each level, do survival tournaments and later Commanders Guild battles
-at time of events, play as many event battles as possible
-don't forget to enjoy some regular 1vs1 2vs2 and 3vs3 battles

Switching factions (and building all the castles) is VERY expensive:
-Enroll as much as possible and do not waste your gold on useless things, spend carefully... and most important:
-Do NOT play roulette

good luck
have fun!
So any suggestions against which factions should I build resistance?
the mages- wizard and next dark elf
Oops forgot can't PM below CL 3.

If you want to stay knight for a long time I suggest to built anti faction against wizard/dark elf, as they can be a "pain in the ass" :).
You'll thank me later on higher CL when I'm still chasing mage's on PVP map while you have resistance against them.

Do more enrrols. They'll allow you to wear full ap, upgrade your castle, boost your defence, and even rent enchanted stuff, whatever you want.

1 - I'm not a knight player and I can't level up my additinal knight account since the rules doesn't allow me to do so. But first thing I suggest is, level up all factions but always give a huge priority to your main faction.
Let's say you're a faction level 6 which needs 500 points to reach, you could easily level up everything else to level 1 for 160 points.
And when you reach fsl 7 with your main, level up everything else to level 2.
Always give priority to your main faction.

(Of course on this way it will be a pain in the ass to level up some factions later on, but this will make you more stronger.)

2 - Like I said above, everything, but put more priority on wiz. (1-2 level above other additional resistences. Eg while everything is level 1, wiz is level 2 - 3.)

3 - There's some MC clan pages which have pretty cool stuff, sadly I don't have any of them anymore...
I was a heavy multi classing supporter in the past due to defensive bonus. Now I am not sure. The effect of 3% defense per faction level is not as good as getting high faction levels (9-10-11-12) fast.

remember, 2 defense level gives 6% decrease of damage taken, which is slightly better than 1 extra defense points effect. (against melee/range).

Even reaching faction 9 gives +1% ini, +2 att, +2 def. My decision to achieve 5 defensive levels in every faction before max-out my main cost me dearly, while I was faction 8-9, pure knights reached 10 even 11.

in (doubtful) case you haven't discovered yet, here is faction level bonuses

PS : playing all factions is much more fun, but requires a reasonable amount of donation (or very very long time of grinding to increase gold via enrolling)
Mind this page: http://lgnd.ru/stat/average

Whether you're putting all your FSP on one faction or split them up on multiple factions, make sure you hit your guild targets before you reach the FSP numbers under "X*1.6" column. Remember that guild bonuses apply on all the factions you play. Bear that in mind when choosing between FSP and guild points.
Enroll as much as possible, even if you don't have time for hunts or so. Enrolling only takes a few minutes and can even be done from a smartphone. Getting some extra enrolls per day gives you a lot more gold and also makes you get to new LG levels faster (extra defense is very useful).

I would advise never to use any arts until level 5, unless there is an event or if you enjoy full arts pvp. Always keep an eye on your gold and plan what you will do with it. Level 5 is a costly level, as a knight you will need to be able to buy recruits from the moment you get there. This costs 25000 gold, while the level up bonus is only 10000 gold. From this moment you will also need to use artifacts to be able to combat. For most battles this will mean that the reward is not enough to cover for the art costs, so enrolling becomes even more important.

If you want to set a target for yourself: try to get an LG level that is one level less, or similar to your combat level. If you can keep this up until level 6, you will be close to having enough gold to buy a TGI, which is one of the best investments in the game.
Thank you guys this helped me a lot.

Q.5:I realized shooters deal less damage in melee.How much damage decrease do they suffer?
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