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AuthorStrange rewards from a survilurg battle
In this defense https://www.lordswm.com/clan_mwlog.php?key=116053&clan_id=823
a strange thing happened: the first two fights only give gold to the clan, the next 5 give gold to the defenders and add gold from the clan.
Does any one know what happened?

2014-02-15 20:20 Subdistrict Ungovernable Steppe-S4 with #376 Flame plate plant attacked by Survilurgs: lost for 0%., accounted 3840 gold.

1) (combat[Full] [Chat]) (Russian) [17], tihom40 [15], Leana [14]: +4,600 gold to clan treasury
2) (combat[Full] [Chat]) Oldogr [14], Menofsword [13], Alrus [13]: +4,000 gold to clan treasury
3) (combat[Full] [Chat]) Raroh [13], sunmanin [15], (Russian) [13]: 4,920 gold awarded to lords, -820 gold to clan treasury
4) (combat[Full] [Chat]) SOMM1 [16], (Russian) [17], (Russian) [19]: 6,240 gold awarded to lords, -1040 gold to clan treasury
5) (combat[Full] [Chat]) (Russian) [14], Transurfer [16], (Russian) [16]: 5,520 gold awarded to lords, -920 gold to clan treasury
6) (combat[Full] [Chat]) Strikert [17], XXIII [15], (Russian) [15]: 5,640 gold awarded to lords, -940 gold to clan treasury
7) (combat[Full] [Chat]) (Russian) [16], UMbig [18], Say_Plz [18]: 6,240 gold awarded to lords, -1040 gold to clan treasury
Probably the reward % was changed in the middle of the defense. So, some got the "old" reward %, and some the "new" one.
That happened because the leader or deputy changed the clan's gold reward for defenses while this defense took place. I just checked, row number 1 and 2 finished their battle after the others did so the gold reward was changed.
closed by dariel (2014-02-16 15:56:47)
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