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AuthorDaily Login
My idea is simple, just like other online game.

Yeah, It's Daily Login.

Many type for Daily Login bonus.
For Example

- Day 1 - 7, every day increase bonus/better bonus.(Consecutive Login, for example day 1, day 2, day 3 i was login, but day 4 i'm not login, so the reward is reset to day 1)
Example :
day 1 : 300 gold
day 2 : 600 gold
day 3 : 900 gold
day 4 : 1200 gold
day 5 : 1500 gold
day 6 : 1800 gold
day 7 : Random Hunter arts

- Attendence, every day i get some bonus(the same) but after a week, i get some more bonus, then after 2 week i get another bonus and the highest bonus appear after consecutive login for a month.
Every Day Login get : 300 gold
1st week login(for example 3 February 2014 - 9 February 2014 attend full without any hole) : 5000 gold
2nd week login(for example 3 February 2014- 16 February 2014 attend full without any hole) : 10000 gold
3rd Week login(for example 3 February 2014- 23 February 2014 attend full without any hole) : 20000 gold
A month Login/4th week Login(for example 3 February 2014- 2 March 2014 attend full without any hole) : 2x Diamond

and many more idea about daily login, i think it will increase people to play and play more :)
thats just tooo ambicious (rofl)

no offences dude.But this aint realistic.the prizes you set are way way too high just for logging in once.I have no reason to vote negatively,why would I hate free gold?but this isnt possible.
ambicious rofl really

aint realistic.

I have no reason to vote negatively,why would I hate free gold?

but this isnt possible
I have no reason to vote negatively,why would I hate free gold?
If you really want it, it can be:
day 1 : nothing
day 2 : nothing
day 3 : 20 gold
day 4 : 35 gold
day 5 : 65 gold
day 6 : 115 gold
day 7 : 150 gold
and the counter resets
But still it seems odd to me
We do get incentive for login in intervals..it's called enrolling.
the price is high, because once you miss 1 day, you wont get bigger prize.
it's just an example,
may be can be
day 1 : nothing
day 2 : nothing
day 3 : 200 gold
day 4 : 400 gold
day 5 : 600 gold
day 6 : 800 gold
day 7 : 1000 gold

if day 4 not login, so reset to day 1.

Daily login is a system that make "most" player login daily.

Or maybe admin can set (at least Online in 1 hour, then it count as daily login, to prevent massive abuse)
+1 to post 6. seems proper
+1 to post 6. seems proper
at least Online in 1 hour, then it count as daily login, to prevent massive abuse

people can also just leave it online for one hour and do nothing...it will still be abused

I would like to get 1 gold for day one, then 1% more for each consecutive day.

I really, really hope the admins like this formula. :D
U just made my day XD

The wage for enrolling already gives you incentive for being online regularly and yes, the more you do it the bigger the incentive you get (not just gold but also improved defence).

Like everyone else I would love free gold but think this is already done but just with a different name.
We do get incentive for login in intervals..it's called enrolling.

But we want moar! Hourly bonuses are not enough! Let's also add weekly and monthly bonuses too! And minutely as well! XD

Seriously though and to the topic starter, look at all the other "free" games and answer the question why there are limiting mechanics to how much you can play. I used to play (and may play again) another game that gives you by default only 200 actions per day. Some games won't allow you to play unless you have "energy" which regenerates by set rate everyday. I also play another game that regenerates 1 "health" per minute that can then be used to explore locations. In this game, it's called "gold" and it limits how much you can play. Convince the admins why you should be allowed to play more and maybe you'll get somewhere.
+1 for small gold incentives....
1% of 1 gold is still 1 in lwm math :D so daily we get 1 gold :D

i like to earn my gold
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