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Author | Bless and curse |
well , consider xbows , with damage range as : 2-8.
now, if some one casts the bless 1st , taking damage to 8-8.
then if i cast curse (expert level), what will happen ? will it have any effect or no effect(as max-min = 0) ?
same , what would happen if done other way round ? i.e. first curse bringing it to 2-2 and then bless ?? |
=) | nope,it will be normal damage 2-8 |
Bless vs. Curse:
-If [Bless effect] > [Curse effect], then [Final min.damage] = [min.damage] + ([max.damage] - [min.damage]) * ([Bless effect] - [Curse effect]);
-If [Curse effect] > [Bless effect], then [Final max.damage] = [max.damage] - ([max.damage] – [min.damage]) * ([Curse effect] – [Bless effect]);
you will see they will cancel each other because [Curse effect] – [Bless effect] = 0 |
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