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AuthorAmmunition disparity with Tavern Drink
It sucks that if you have taken the drink you're not able to participate in many combats. There's no way to put off the bonus, you have to wait, and wait and wait...

Suggestion: Allow to participate in the battle, just don't count in the +1 Luck and the AP bonus.
or give option to temporarily nullify its effect
we will be able to participate in quick tourney right??
we will be able to participate in quick tourney right??

by the way great idea +1
If that be allowed much more players play cards -1
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If that be allowed much more players play cards -1

I don't really understand that

I think this deserves a +1

actually, I would go even further then Nuttela - why tavern drink of luck is causing equipment disparity? Extra parameters from MG, TG, etc. are allowed in the tournaments and GG is equal part of the LoWM game. Why banning its "product" then?
However to at least improve the current situation I would even vote for ability to cancel the effect of tavern drink...
+1 for nutty's idea
much more players play cards
Why is that a problem ? I doubt you can't find people to play combats with due to playing cards.
Quite the opposite, it's harder to find people in good tavern location and preferred bet, to play fast card games with.
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