Author | The game have a big issue that penalties are too weak for escape |
how to prevent this act and person? maybe need blackname! |
Probably should be in Ideas and Suggestions but yeah such as AFK the consequence is -1 luck for 1 hour. Lol this is a joke! Probably could have like the number of times a player broke a rule stated in their profile or so. But still it would be stereotyping them..
how to prevent this act and person?
Play with some friends or check their combat log/win lose ratio and see whether they are a viable partner? |
for ebookwufei:
you said Big issues, but you haven mentioned any issues...
Lol this is a joke! Probably could have like the number of times a player broke a rule stated in their profile or so.
not every place have 24 hrs power supply and proper internet connection. intentional or non-intentional, current rules seems ok to me. |
not every place have 24 hrs power supply and proper internet connection.
Ah yes that may be true, my apologies to those whom really experience power outage, etc. Especially now when one is perusing a record win in PoT and suddenly a repeated offender decides to go AWOL and it really is fustrating. But again i did mention that it would be stereotyping them.. |
for eddy_immanuel:
The big issue is weak penalty for escape, as stated on title. |
This does belong in I&S but its explicitly forbidden to post this there. Regardless, AFKs will not be punished more severely. Do what others do;
1.) Control your battles and team - try to use a pre-made team whenever possible. In-game friends that you've played with for a while.
2.) Control your game modes - limit game modes where you are paired with people you don't know. (2v2, 3v3, and FFA GBs)
3.) Ask friends for assists in hunts, rather than simply "requesting hunt assistance"
That's really the only control you have... and likely the only control you will ever have over the situation. |
well, penalty is given to different types of violations. and watching this link i dont see this as an easy escape. replase can cause to BLOCK.
from watching other posts, i think the creator is mainly talking about AFK's.
-2 luck
0 fsp and max exp
if proven intentional AFK, gold penalty.
this is really bad for any kind of AFK players. intentional or non-intentional.
to ebookwufei:
i am not against you. i have gone AFK few times and i have been in your position few times too. so i can understand your frustration. |
Some suggestion:
1, Add "Black list" & "White list" function.
2, More severe punishments than ever, ×2 times for 2V2, ×3 times for 3V3.
etc.... |
"White list" function.
I'm safe to assume that its meant for the "saints"?
More severe punishments than ever, ×2 times for 2V2, ×3 times for 3V3.
IMO the severity should depend on a case to case basis, I've seen some where they deserve to be banned for all eternity with no chance of possible appeal but rather they got away with a fine whereas some dont deserve to have a heavy fine imposed.
×2 times for 2V2, ×3 times for 3V3. etc....
Lol either everyone's a difficult time typing with their keyboard or an error/bug? |
Very easy way to solve.
1 - Give control to boots, when players are afk.
2 - Give Total averange cost AP battle inside the room -50% to that player who goes afk.
AP count cost for the cheapest as possible. Let's say the averange AP of the battle room (calculating ALL players DUH!) was just 5, the cheapest cost for 5 AP is 40.8 -50% = 20.4 gold penalty, but let's say the averange AP of the battle was 79 AP with averange cost of 1.514/battle, who goes afk will take 757 gold penaly.
That will decrease the behavior of quitting the game because are "losing"
3 - A player who goes afk 3 times in arrow, takes a extra penalty cumulative.
Could be 100, then 1000, then 10000 etc.
4 - A player who goes afk 10 times per week, takes a penalty cumulative as well.
Those tips above are just example, a calculate must be made to make changes balanced and could be applied. (it's obvious...) |
Give control to boots, when players are afk.
If I'm not mistaken, this was proposed before and promptly rejected and stated that there would be no control given whatsoever when a player goes AFK.
2 - Give Total averange cost AP battle inside the room -50% to that player who goes afk.
AP count cost for the cheapest as possible. Let's say the averange AP of the battle room (calculating ALL players DUH!) was just 5, the cheapest cost for 5 AP is 40.8 -50% = 20.4 gold penalty, but let's say the averange AP of the battle was 79 AP with averange cost of 1.514/battle, who goes afk will take 757 gold penaly.
Pretty creative thinking but wouldnt it be too complex to take into account? Especially those penalties would definately be on the transfer log of a player right? IMO it would complicate matters. |