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Author | All about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy |
+ | + | + | I am level 8 fury barbarian ,should I go for max boar,rocs, goblin archer, and orcs ? | Depends...
For GB, with great hunter set for +1 damage, and defensive + vitality, I would recommend goblins, but not maxed, something that allows you to have some boars, they're userful. Orcs are good, but until you unlock the tyrants, no reason to max them.
However if you aren't wearing any set that gives +1 dmg, then I would recommend boars instead, with luck or morale build.
For CG is kind what I've mentioned above, since you can't wear a set that gives +1 dmg, then boars become a better choice than goblins, except of course against fury vs fury, the one with a better range has an extremely big advantage over. | Thanks and how about Quick tournament? What kind of barbarian should I go for? | I have absolutely zero experience in quick tournament, can't help there, sorry. | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | i am a barbarian and i cannot defeat an elf say some steps to kill elite forest | Battle log? | + |
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