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AuthorAll about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
would it be better if i took more ogres(40) in shadow barbs or should i switch to fury and take 220 goblin archers?

comparatively, ogres are slow but deal heavy damage with knockback and are least targeted.


goblin archers are more in number, attack faster, but low attack, always targeted first.

which should i prefer?

Tips? Settle, talents?...
Yeah, I know, my fsl... I'll buy a potion of skill soon, I'm just saving some coins first.
Against a unholy necro fogort shooters , take max boars and birds then ogres and orcs.
As talents the best is to take as much morale as you can.
Try to kill dreadlords and put birds or ogres over , about poltergeist is a good idea have some goblins or orcs to test the hit and miss so let poltis with two misses and hit with a powerfull stack.
I didn't knew i was going to fight against an unholy necro, otherwise I woul've maxed boars and min goblins indeed. The thing about boars is, they don't need much units on stack to do a decent damage, also a full stack of boars is much easier to counter, since it only requires to make a wall, take the retalation and go all in, so that's why I don't max boars, very high risk for very little gain.

I can change basic def + vitality for basic leadership + basic fortune.
Well... Goblins without the vitality are completely worthless, and if I lose my range, I won't have any reason to play with fury barb on CL 9, since at this level confusion or evasion isn't unlocked yet, plus it's the best might range of the level.

About gear that adds morale, well...
1 morale = 10% chance to trigger, for an extra 50% turn.
10.0,5 = 5% roughly averange, which is exactly what each ring of abdication gives, with a more stable source of initiative instead of depending on trigger, plus will give me a first shot against ranged factions, such elves, holy knights ward builds, pretty much giving the edge...

I was trying to kill one stack and put another a unit standing, I had a chance to completely finish off the vamps and put my ogres standing on them, however he raised his poltergaist, and if I take a full hit from poltergaist I would've lost the game anyways, since I was pretty much dead already. So I take the opportunity which the poltergaist was without retalation, hoping for a strike which didn't happen, otherwise I would weaken his poltergaist and re target his vamps before them act.
I was trying also to half deplete the health of his units, so he won't keep raising to full strenght and would give me a better opportunity to stand up, but... He was just stronger than I.

I don't know, I think unholy necro with poltergaist at cl 9, only the normal barb or another UN would stand a chance, any other faction or sub class won't.

I guess i'll try a few more attemps with fury, then switch to normal barb, at least I would have a better odds against an UN.

I've changed the strategy (I know I messed with my gobs), however I did even worse than the previous battle.

Let me put this in pescpective, I've fought 16 CG battles, lost 3 battles (2 for UN), which means I've 13 singular combats with ease.

The other lose, I really had a chance of winning, my enemy got very lucky and I played like a freaking newbie, however against UN I've absolutely no chance against this thing, actually no faction has a chance against it.

I also feel that Charmed elf is the weakenest faction of CL 9, and it doesn't stand a chance against anybody which knows what they're doing in the field.

Simply put, there's a large unbalance scale, UN is just invecible at CL 9.
Charmed elf is too weak at CL 9.
Charmed elf is too weak at CL 9.
Some faction are inherently weaker at certain levels than others, but for charmer wait till lv12. A decent and competent charmer can easily win against most faction and arguably is if not the strongest duel faction in lv12.
for Angel of Death:

I saw the battle posted in #208.. Is that the battle you said you played like a newbie? I think you could have won that game, it really is a matter of eliminating the right stacks before they get turns. And your strategy of weakening all units so they aren't raised is good at higher levels when UN can raise a lot of HP.

In that game i would start with shooting vampires with all goblins and let hero kill legionnaires. I think they had 15 hp and you wasted a shot on them but still had to use hero to kill it.

Also at a later point when ghosts came in range of orcs melee, it became a sure hit.. although you ran with orcs in fear of vampires perhaps.. Which wouldn't have happened if boars were in range to cover for vamps attack. It was very noobish to not shoot ghosts at the least and instead run only to attack in melee after ghosts took the 2nd goblin stack.
Some faction are inherently weaker at certain levels than others, but for charmer wait till lv12. A decent and competent charmer can easily win against most faction and arguably is if not the strongest duel faction in lv12.

I complete agree with you, each level the dominate faction will vary, according the talents, magic skills, unit talents and upgrade, settlement and so fort.

In my opinion at CL 9 specifically, the Charmed elf, should be powered up, in order to stay competitive.

I saw the battle posted in #208.. Is that the battle you said you played like a newbie? I think you could have won that game, it really is a matter of eliminating the right stacks before they get turns. And your strategy of weakening all units so they aren't raised is good at higher levels when UN can raise a lot of HP.

In that game i would start with shooting vampires with all goblins and let hero kill legionnaires. I think they had 15 hp and you wasted a shot on them but still had to use hero to kill it.

Also at a later point when ghosts came in range of orcs melee, it became a sure hit.. although you ran with orcs in fear of vampires perhaps.. Which wouldn't have happened if boars were in range to cover for vamps attack. It was very noobish to not shoot ghosts at the least and instead run only to attack in melee after ghosts took the 2nd goblin stack.

My shooters would have killed 3 - 5 vampires at maximum, he would've rengerated 2 - 3 vampires once he came close to me, and would force me to put all in on his vampires, since the start, but then the Poltergast is a more offensive unit it can deal more damage, I was trying to pick that one first.
While I had the option to kill his retalation takers which would result into 200 - 300 damage from retalation, on his poltergaist, so it wasn't really wasted, since vamps would've regenerated anyways.
Not only that, but stacks killed also feed my tyrants bloodlust, and the odds of killing that legionary stack was extremely high, I simply got unluck with that shot, with min damage.

I run with tyrants for several reasons.
1 - Boars weren't at range, so I would simply suicide my strongest stack and he would just raised it up again and defeat me just at start.
2 - his poltergaist was with retalation, and the vamps + polt would've eaten my tyrants alive, without any assistance.

My biggest mistake on this battle, was not to move the goblins at the corner, which his poltergaist attacked, not only killing my stack, but also reseting his count, that was a huge big deal. But honestly? I would've made no difference.

Also I've run with my boars for a several reasons.
1 - If I wanted to have any chance to win, I needed to drag them close to my tyrants, since they'll do 220% damage at close combat, while at far, they would've inflicted only 50% of it's total damage output, it's huge.
2 - Since I needed to drag him to me, and I had a better range, cuz linches has only 5 shoots, I wasn't wantint to take the first strike of vamps + poltergaist, so I had to retreat.

Also when I moved my tyrants up, to avoid being murdered by vamps and poltergaist, I also connected them with rocs + boars, briging all might of my army together.
And your strategy of weakening all units so they aren't raised is good at higher levels when UN can raise a lot of HP.

Well about that... He could almost fully ressurect his stack of vampires about 20, about all linches and about 29 poltergaist... So basically he could bring back whatever I attack again.

And about shooting the poltergaist with tyrants, that time he could've missed, and polt + vamp would've definitely killed my entire stack, my strongest stack.
You make a point but if you have to sacrifice 2/3 of your goblins to bring all might of your army together, you are already at a disadvantage. If you know you won't be able to protect your stacks, consider splitting goblins into two instead of three. Then you could split 9 rocs into 8 and 1. The small stack of rocs have nice speed and can be used to block or take retal easily.

The battle did look hard, with 12 liches on the enemy side as well.. but the way your game went, it would be hard even if there were no liches present.
Not really, you had a sure hit after you missed on poltergeist with your hero. Orcs were in range to shoot them aswell so they would eat 100% dmg with ranged attack even if you were unwilling to melee. Not meleeing was the right choice cuz your boars were too far up otherwise i would melee after taking retal with 10 gobs.
Without linches I would've won, absolutely no doubt about that, dude I'm not some source of useless person or whatever, I've a good score on my back, I've defeated several DU's as well. Without linches, it means no shots, nor will have a pretty strong in melee unit at the ending, that would be enough to me overcome him, but that would been a extremely high nerfing.

The reason why I use 3 stacks of goblins, it's because it makes harder to block them all at same time, to kill them all at same time, makes it easier to farm spirit, plus gives me the opportunity to choose more targets to range and control the damage output, to not have an overkill dosage situation of releasing too much damage on a target which would've died with much less.

If I put 2 stacks of goblins, it would've made easier to him to block/kill them, from a lesser amount of turns, plus it would've harder to me to finish his retalation taker stacks.
Generally speaking, I play offensive when I've to lead the combat, I stay at back when my ranger is stronger, I give melee fight when it's stronger, I use the map positionament when I can, and I retreat/run when I've to. I could post several combats that I've used different strategies to overcome different factions/tactics.
Against UN, I couldn't make a wall of protection, because it would mean to let his poltergaist/vampiries have the first strike against it. I can't go offensive, otherwise my tyrants won't be in melee.
So If I cannot advance, and I cannot defend myself and if the enemy can overcome me on melee, then what exactly I am supposed to do?

Ok, making a wall with 1 roc, well, 1 shot with linch could've killed it, thus destroy my wall and damage anything behind it, and opening it for his advance. Besides it's not likely by goblins could do any different in 1 turn at all.
They're good, but doing other purposes, such finishing targets, giving me the supremacy of range against might factins, nuking strong foes. If they survive 1 turn more or less, against UN? Makes no difference, actually I noticed that 99,99% of the times, I should've been using them to take the retalation of anybody nearby them, once the combat get there.

In my opinon if I've moved the goblin at 1:10 to 1:6, would've done the trick, but that would been save a small goblin stack for 1 extra turn... What difference does it makes?
Not really, you had a sure hit after you missed on poltergeist with your hero. Orcs were in range to shoot them aswell so they would eat 100% dmg with ranged attack even if you were unwilling to melee. Not meleeing was the right choice cuz your boars were too far up otherwise i would melee after taking retal with 10 gobs.

12 goblins shot 37 poltergaist, miss.
10 goblins shot 37 poltergaist, miss.
37 poltergaist attacks goblins, retalation hit.
Hero strikes 37 poltergaist, hit.
10 goblin shot 37 poltergaist, miss.
Tyrant turn.

I could've either miss or hit.
Well, I just beat an UN, althogh he was a newbie one.


If he haven't suicided his poltergaists, I hardly thing I would've made it.
Plus, I've fsl 6 against necro, that does counts.

Anyways, my opinion about UN at CL 9 still stay the same, they're OP and need to be nerfed at this level.
Anyways, my opinion about UN at CL 9 still stay the same, they're OP and need to be nerfed at this level.

LOL, what an opinion. it is forbiden to post suggestion to buff/nerf certain faction
LOL, what an opinion. it is forbiden to post suggestion to buff/nerf certain faction

Well, all you guys are long past CL 9, so it's not possible to try it yourself.
But if you believe I could've done anything different to actually win one of those combats above, feel free to explain how.

I'm fine with losing to anybody, mainly when I've played wrong or someone just played flawless, however when I lose without a single chance of winning, this is just stupid, this supposed to be a strategy game, which requires a balanced PvP, if a single faction is way stronger than others, why it doesn't get fixed?

By the way, I've increased the boars and changed vitality talents as wood suggested earlier, I also have fought every faction at this level, I had acquire a decent ratio of winning streak, but if you believe there's something else to do, explain what.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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