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AuthorHow I Saved LWM(and the West) From Extinction
Ring Ring

Modi:"Yeah, who is it?"

CIA Operative: "Sorry to bother you Modi. It's Brad from the CIA. I know, I know...again?"

Modi: "What is it this time,Brad?"

Brad: "We need your help again. Putin has decided to launch nukes at all Western targets and he won't be persuaded against this!"

Modi: "Uh, what about the MAD doctrine? Doesn't he care that we will launch our nukes at him in retaliation?"

Brad: "No. He understands that Obama is a girly-man and won't have the balls to retaliate.Besides, we don't think we can get him off the golf course before the nukes hit us. Priorities you know?"

Modi: "Yeah yeah. Vlad is prolly right about that. Send me all your files on Putin and I will figure something out."

Ring Ring

Putin: "Yes? Who is this?"

Modi: "It's Modi."

Putin: "Ah so you decided to finally accept me into your Stay Thirsty Clan and you wanted to call me personally to tell me? This is good!

Modi: "No Vlad."

Putin: "No problem, I would rather be in your other clan, Heroes of Armageddon! Inside joke hehe."

Modi: "Vlad, I already know of your plans to launch nukes at the West so your little Armageddon joke isn't so "inside."

Putin: "Oh stupid CIA tells you to phone me? HA! Nothing you can do about it Modi! I launch nukes no matter what!"

Modi: "Question Vlad, before we get down to negotiations. When did you decide Obama was such a weakling that he would never launch a retal strike against Russia? Just curious."

Putin: "Oh that was easy. I saw Obama throw out first pitch in Washington Nationals game on youtube. He throws like sissy."

Modi: "Yeah, that was rather embarrassing wasn't it? He throws like a girl."

Putin: "Yes yes and when he comes down steps he puts hands up near his waist and looks like a fairy! Hahahahahaha!"

Modi: "Ok I understand. I agree with you. Still, you can't launch nukes at us Vlad. I've got way too much on you."

Putin: "Stupid NSA spying program? I hate them! You are bluffing I think. You have NOTHING!"

to be continued........
Player banned by moderator virtual_vitrea until 2014-11-01 22:38:00 // F.R 2.2//Users are prohibited to leave messages containing any of the following information: obscene, abusive, vulgar language, offending, insulting m
:D.... (Y) Nyccc
Refer to Forum rule 2.2

Users are prohibited to leave messages containing any of the following information: obscene, abusive, vulgar language, offending, insulting messages, calumny, loutishness; messages appealing to violent overthrowing of a government, those kindling national and racial dissension, those humiliating the merits of any sex, race or sexual orientation, as well as any other information violating ethical foundations.
Lol Hahaha
Well done Modi.
No-Lifer stuff, but well done :3
*syrian draws the shades, gets a bowl of popcorn and sits back*
Yawn. Thought police once more. I will leave you to your boring forum once again. At least you all have my photos to look at and you can always dream of what it must be like to be perfect. :D
How many people want me to finish the tale?

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

George Orwell
Well everybody knows where Putin will strike if he wants to wipe out the existence of Americans on the Earth and that is McDonalds. Saving McDonalds = Saving America = Congressional Medal of Honor.

How many people want me to finish the tale?

Finish it!
damn finish it. i dun like a story to be left in half and this is interesting ;-)
Amazing xD
Finish it mate.
Vitria please... Only this tale.
Seldomly left a message on forum,but this is interesting. So

How many people want me to finish the tale?

Finish it!
How many people want me to finish the tale?
i don't always read short stories, but when i do, i read them to the end! :)
why dont we have a battle between virtual_vitrea and modi?
if modi wins then continue or if he loses this post will be locked :)
for siddi1111:

Sounds good to me. I'm quite confident I can crush anyone on this server in less than one minute. My KO punch is quite deadly due to my massive pecs. Been in hundreds of fights and never had my nose broken. :D
Although I support freedom of speech, especially when it's about cracking a joke at leaders and stereotypes, unfortunately I can not stand by watch my friend vv getting squashed in an unbalanced fight. So, I'll be joining vv's side in combat.
Haha, this is heading into pointless conversation.

I say, lets hear the man with 'massive pecs'. I don't mind reading it... the point of this ban was to warn you about the content which would seem insulting, possibly. Anyhow, if you're gonna continue i'll stay away and let others decide if this is fine.

Go ahead, lets overstep the rules because this is a fun parody :)
ok so lvl 16(modi) and lvl 13(random) vs lvl 15(vv) & lvl 14(war.nav.)
this should be fun :)
and both of u should be in 35 ap
and choose only 6 talents.
fair enough? :P

ok modi continue the post
but please also show us a fight guys.. i wanna see a royal battle :)
At least you all have my photos to look at and you can always dream of what it must be like to be perfect. :D

I'm quite confident I can crush anyone on this server in less than one minute. My KO punch is quite deadly due to my massive pecs. Been in hundreds of fights and never had my nose broken. :D

Woah, calm down, Mr. Durden!
Modi: "OK Vlad, let's say I am bluffing. If you are so sure your plan can't be thwarted, how about answering some questions before I bite the dust?"

Putin: "But of course! I am sure you are amazed by my leadership skills and plotting against West. Ask away!"

Modi: "I see from the file the NSA has compiled on you that you have played both HWM and LWM from the start. Why would you allow mail.ru to cheat their way to victory in the "best of" contest a couple years ago? I'm sure you had the power to stop that travesty."

Putin: "Sure I could stop them. Blame Alexander. He refuse to make unique character image for me."

Modi: "Why would he do that?"

Putin: "He wanted me to pay for it! Can you believe that? I had my best artist draw me on bear like dwarven ursary, only stupid dwarf is missing and I am riding. No shirt on of course."

Modi: "But of course. You want freebies like all scumbag politicians.Still, that seems to be a bit unlike you to not get something from mail.ru for allowing them to cheat for the win."

Putin: "You think I got nothing from mail.ru? You are stupid,Modi and you also suck at LWM. I watch your battles and laugh at your stupid moves all the time. Hehehehehe."

Modi: "Yep I've been told that quite a few times. Fortunately I just look into any mirror and it is the cure for all criticism. DNA lottery winner, don't ya know? What did you weasel out of mail.ru?"

Putin: "Year supply of Grey Goose Vodka! Yummy yummy!"

Modi: "Grey Goose? French Vodka? Damn dude, that's lame for a Russian, isn't it? What would your comrades say? That would be some scandal."

Putin: "Yes I know, dummy. I make them pour in Smirnoff bottles and reseal.Grey Goose....quack quack!"

Modi: "Uh Vlad, you mean "honk honk." Ducks make the "quacking" sound."

Putin: "Whatever."

to be continued......
How many people want me to finish the tale?
Finish it! :D

I needs closure :3
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