Author | western campaign (no mana for enemy heroes) |
Just had a couple of level 4 fights where none of the enemy heroes have any mana.
Any reason for this to happen? Recent change to the game? Special ability obtained?
Or simply levels too low? |
i think that mana is a bug , so they fixed it, or they simply tested an ability ,finding it is too OP. so they changed it |
post it here
Could be changes. Heroes with that superior mana and SP add together with their range tactical attacks are rather OP. |
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help". |
Mana is back :( |
yep, the lightning bolts are back in bussiness, it's game over time again it seems. Had tons of problems with lvl 1 due to this, now its loosing time again. The heroes are uber powerfull once again. :( |
this time they need to have knowledge to have mana, so their stats are lower. |
Nope, their stats are even higher now, as a lvl 10 the AI hero's stats are 31 attack, 19 defense, 29 spellpower and 8 knowledge.
As a bonus the AI hero even does a normal hit before the lightning bolts, as a low level getting pounded with spells of 200-300 damage gets your army reduced in no time, guess its an event for high level players, only they can outlast that. |
SP starts from zero and as they do more damage their SP increases up to max their attack value (at least that's how i've seen their talent work!). difference is before they always started with 110 mana (even though they didn't have any knowledge). but now they start with 11 knowledge which means 110 mana.
their stats should be lower (since now they're supposedly spending stats on knowledge, however their stats are still too high!) |
Are they experimenting the introduction of a new faction like the night elves or blood elves in Warcraft who are better under the moon than under the sun, or vice versa?
Anyhow it seems better to avoid battles now for a low level player like me. :-( |
Not only the enemy heroes are stronger, their armies are also stronger.
Had no problem with level 8 earlier. Now easily squashed by the army of level 7 in less than 2 rounds. |
closed by Dragon Eater (2014-11-14 08:21:39) |