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AuthorNew troops balance

wiz: no change
bw wiz: +3 gremlins +6 grotesques

elf: nerfed significantly, compare with the build of silver of last mt it is: -1 dragon +2 tree -1 unicorn +1 druid -2 gmb.
charmer elf: -1 fb -1 sharpshooter -1 unicorn, maybe add several dryads but who take them?

de,demon,dark demon,dwarf,tribal stay unchanged.

need information of knight,barbarian and necro now.
for Vengeful Spirit:
in the last mt, elf has 60.84% winning rate and alt elf has 62.91%, at lv16. while most of factions are lower than 50%.
(the true reason is i lost to one elf and one alt elf in the last mt :D)
lvl 17 tribal

1 enforcer
1 shaman or 5 centaur
level 13 charmer elf got nerfed

lost 1 unicorn, 1 tree and 1 sharpshooter. Gained one druid! (Admins must be laughing somehwere, cruel joke!)
lvl 12
Charmer elf with rally - -1 brethen, -1 sharp, -1 unicorn, +1 high druid, +1 dryad.
Regular without rally - +2 efk, +3 anchorites, +1 unicorn.
CL 11 Wizard:

+2 enchanted gargoyles
+3 modern golems
+1 magi
+1 genies
CL14 Bwiz no change...
Nothing changes for cl 14 dwarf.
Level 9 tribal and knight got some more troops.
*Level 10
Lv17 elf. -1 efk. Max tree increase to 13 but gmb reduce 5.
reduce tree to 12, gmb increase 1.

sorry my misstake, efk +1 not -1
for RevolutionRebel:
Give me something for the pain and let me die...
No changes for CL 13 and CL 14 normal wizard.
lv 12 unholy necro: -3 death envoys :'(
CL 8 Holy knight
-1 brute -2 wardens -1 griffin.
Guess they're pissed because they've made the MG changes, and put a promotion to see how much people really enjoyed. Seems like they haven't achieved their goals of donations, and now instead of giving extra troops as always, they've nerfed instead. lol.
Guess they're pissed because they've made the MG changes, and put a promotion to see how much people really enjoyed. Seems like they haven't achieved their goals of donations, and now instead of giving extra troops as always, they've nerfed instead. lol.

I never thought you could mix up MG, recruiting, player satisfaction and Donations at once. Waow.
Get real, kid.
Not that anyone cares but
at CL 3 Wizards

I got +2 gargs
They ought to nerf necros at CL 3 and 4. Skel bows makes PvP one sided.
I never thought you could mix up MG, recruiting, player satisfaction and Donations at once. Waow.
Get real, kid.

Yes, because those events happened in very different time period, and different places. Definitely it's an coincidence that some people were complaining about a new feature, then suddently we got a promotion, after a very particular change, quit convinient isn't? You could write a diary about your theories.

Please feel free, to be off topic, you could talk about your dog, your school, or your mom or your daddy, share your knowledge, because it's so important.
Balance of troops occurs every few months. No need to fuss about it.
Admins do their best updating so the strenght of every faction is equally divided.

This has nothing to do with their donation quotation. This was the summer sale with an extra bow, just like the winter sale where one could get that special sword. MG had to change, there will always be people that don't agree with new things, yet it is in the best interest of the development of the game.

Look at it like this, admins are not trying to make the game more interesting for old players but more for the players that are joining our ranks in the future.

Btw White knight CL 17 has no deserters or new recruits for the most awesome faction in the game. Guess admins find us perfect as we are.
share your knowledge, because it's so important.
I did, and you obviously didn't understand.
Thx Arcanide, btw
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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