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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
That being said he just beat a DOF wiz (though I think the Wiz made a lot of mistakes)

Well morale helped him a bit there.
But I think still he could have won anyways. 75 poisoners is too much for fragile build of BW.
morale did help, though genies should have waited incase of it (morale procs and the came is lost on one charge - lost a few too many battles on that one to feel the benefit of luck as greater)

With a full stack of genies in play the game would be different. Equally separating shooters was a bad move a could not funnel the enemy. If I faced a defensive might DE as a DOF BW I would back myself every time.
Tamer DE's are just amazing!
Omg Omg... The Come-Backs... XD

Woahh, CG gives so much joy sometimes.
You literally killed both alone :O
Amazing man!
Yeh, even kids are afraid of you. Did you defeat your enemies by terrifying them to death?
Anyway, the goal is achieved, and the methods are up to you. Well done, this is yours by right.
this is what i said, when you have problem against tribal, tribal resistance wont help you much. the problem is always that you can not kill them, watching them become more and more hard to kill, but not they deal heavy damage to you and kill you quickly.

It's not hard to keep spirit low early on. It does when you are half dead, then yes it spirals down for you and up for spirit. If you lose less troops, then you deal a bigger blow to spirit and troops, so I don't see why it wouldn't be good. Loss to tribal can be due to very little, they can be impossible to kill or die in 1 hit depending on spirit.

On the other hand, if I let an elf hit you first you die, wether I have 1 genie left or 0 doesn't matter. Maybe for you defense demon it makes a difference because it will be more grindy like the tribal but to me I'm dead in both case.
There was a thread recently about AI playing better than some players in Q&H.

Perfect example for that,

I missed settlement, yet the opponent chooses to hit thunderbirds instead of orcs.
Could have been easy win still, but the fact remain intact, AI is better than some players. ;)
Sometimes I think,
Instead of degrading/changing ( whatever you say ) shadow barbs, actually should be done with DDs.
Most imbalanced faction in this game. Atleast their racial should be changed :/
The strongest faction is always the one you're not playing. :P

having actually built Demon castle.. it falls down compared to fast might factions with shooters
I've been having mixed feelings. There has been instance when I felt DDs are very weak, and sometimes worst nightmare.
for Ingenious:
Depends on the player, watch RR's MT battles, you will start thinking DD is the most op faction ever xD
Does anyone know about AlphaZero?
I'm a chess player (not professional, let's say semi-pro), so this is really incredible to me. Chess is a game that has been played now for at least a millennium and half, and chess engines have been developed at way above human levels with constant improvement over two decades now. They have been fed with databases with millions of chess games, endgame tablebases which have chess solved, and I mean literally solved, when only 8 or fewer pieces remain (out of 32), and opening tablebases with decades of computer analysis and centuries of human analysis.

Out of these, the current world computer chess champion, Stockfish 8, played against the AI AlphaZero last week. Unlike all the other chess programs, ALL the knowledge AlphaZero was given were the rules of chess, as simple as that. No human games to analyze, no tablebases, no databases, nothing. In 4 hours of self training (which is just playing chess with itself and learning from those games), yes in only 4 hours and not decades, starting from scratch, it defeated Stockfish 8 with 28 wins, 72 draws and 0 (!!!) losses!

This is just mind boggling, AI is insane.
In those 4 hours, a Computer can make thousands and thousands (If not Millions) of battles/matches, and learn.
+ Maybe that guy (Who is a Person, has personality, feelings...) had a difficult day, GF left him alone, who knows... XD

No, seriously though:
Yes, computer will impress us even more in the following years, which I dislike.
Im skeptikal with robots... :P
+ Chess is a very easy game for a Computer to "Master".
... Since the Rules havent changed in the thousand and half years, as you say, and both "Teams" have more or less the same chances to win (Appart from First Move, I suppose).

... I mean, its not LWM, where there are Factions, Morale, Luck...
Dont know if I explained myself properly, but you probably get my meaning.
+ More:
I mean, there is no "Random/Luck/RNG Factor" in the game.
Also, as the game is sooo "Old", all possible Tactics/Strategies/Attacks have been Studied, there are many many books about Chess, and Tutorials.

The "Meta" doesnt change, so nobody can come with an "Awesome tactic" that everybody else doesnt know.
+ Maybe that guy (Who is a Person, has personality, feelings...) had a difficult day, GF left him alone, who knows... XD

Whom are you talking about? If you mean AlphaZero's opponent, no Stockfish 8 is not human. It's the worlds strongest chess program right now with access to all the stuff I mentioned plus a calculation ability of 70 trillion positions per second.
Why do they put those names to Computers? They seem like Nicknames from Online RPGs... XD

Whatever, appart from my first Paragraph, all the other stuff and my points about Chess as a game/Sport remain.
Lol, unwinnable battle:
CL Wise I think it was OK (The Match Up, I mean), but IDK about Faction Wise.

A CL 21 Chaos DE with 53 Def, n 53 SP.... Just Wow. XD
Checked his Battle Log, he hasnt lost in days in CG.
How can somebody kill that?
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