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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
If remember correctly.. they added 30% discount to enchanted artifacts right? when last time enchants-allowing event was introduced?

I hope same would be the case for dwarf event!
Apparently translation of 'Stalkers' is 'Onions' in russian.. I wonder why :D
because stalkers are Russian onions?

Russians are onion stalkers..
for virtual_vitrea:
Why your clan always remove its icon? :P
Rohit Sharma scores another double hundred.... Yayy!
Apparently translation of 'Stalkers' is 'Onions' in russian..

Isn't that just the usual google translate garbage? When it does not understand a word, it just picks the Russian word, replace cyrillic characters by latin ones and that's how shrews become fur if you translate the slang word they use.
Yes google translate :P

Rohit Sharma scores another double hundred.... Yayy!
When it does not understand a word, it just picks the Russian word, replace cyrillic characters by latin ones and that's how shrews become fur if you translate the slang word they use.
5647# Yes, I hate when that happens

Very interesting and helpful took by DarkSooth.
Since many people don't know about it, so I am posting here :)
Nice job, thats a good little site - great for checking art costs and where to get them. Thanks :)
wow no post since a long time
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // ]
Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2017-12-15 10:34:31 // FR 4.4 // foul language
oh come on Mesy :p
What what did you write? :P
something that is hardly an inappropriate way to address your friends but not so much when in public :p
Hamster battle:
I feel envy :P
This fsl10 is taking forever... have to get it fast so i can finally start with MT.

I think I have decent anti fsl now, from now thinking to play barb only till fsl11 or maybe 12 :@
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