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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
That's what they all say :P

I tried though
There should be an option to block roulette from your account if required :p
Roulette has always been the reason for me leaving this game and I suppose again it's long to be a reason :/
just dont play it , it is so simple , better play cards at least there is some skill
Or just accept being bankrupt sometimes :P
Roulette is not something bad or wrong.. Its just your choice and so are the results xD
It's annoying to start from scratch.
Boring to enroll whole day :/
Once u start enrolling, u dont miss even a single enroll.
That much contagious it gets. Even in college i connect to WiFi and enroll during lectures.

It's annoying to start from scratch.
If you want to become a gambler, take loans and lose that too until you get a penalty xD
Lol i dont like to take loans
Now im done with roulette ^.^
Yeah but you did xD
Take a loan
I know :p
But got gold back so would return it
Doesn't seem like you're done with roulette :P
Almost done xD
You ain't gonna stop bro xD
I will stop bro one day xD
Well done now you're officially like me xD
I already was like that :p
No you were good for a long time before.. I remember you were the one who camped the most :P
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