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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Vets would also be good if they had 50/50 stats and unlimited retal and Dragon breath

Guess I didn't know the basic thing about dwarves xD
One unit can only use one rune per game :P
#6300 alright
Ipsen is actually right.
less expensive chaos talent and sorcery branch can make chaos dwarf viable
Maybe the Dwarf alt would be something relatable
This game is still going on and people are still loving it. Missed this place a lot
I was an A&D member so u might have know me.
What's the min FSP in need to get in a Caravan in order to reduce the difficulty ?
probably 0.3 or none.
probably 0.3 or none.

Most people say that's just a rumour. Any loss reduces difficulty but the higher the fsp you get, the more the difficulty reduces.
None ?
Master spearman cost 75k anyways
I should have got them on lvl 6 with 150k..
Possibly none. Hard to say. Ideally you wanna get as much as you can to keep your cost effectiveness.
Two DU on my side in QT xD
Thinking of playing this game for a few days
im starting this game back again. At 10k gold what all should i play? should i keep on enrolling till i reach 100k or should i play these pirates raid and stuff?
yeah and i need to know about campaigns, rangers guild and contest site.
Any link or in short if u can explain it would be very grateful :)
*Watchers guild and yeah i forgot the rules about spamming and flooding >.<
the rules about spamming and flooding >.<
The only rule is no rules xD
Play watcher guild often if possible mate.
and have fun overall
Ah, feels like finally back home :)
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