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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I'm enrolling at 0.1 workholic penalty since a day -.-
noname the fool.

quoting a guy who died while taking a shit doesn't help much :p
-` Werrack Wobout ?
Wow, the buff to Death Proclaimer's Death Wave is awesome)))

When he closed Shaman in corner with the huge 2 healing Cyclops, and 8 regenerating Wyverns, both defending for 100 Defence Parameters, I thought "GG no way I stop Shamans from accumulating 9999 Blood/Spirit", but then I came up with the idea of Death Waves of Proclaimers.
Proud of myself....... XD

It is true though, that Necros now have many "Tools" when it comes to lowering the Spirit of Tribes, I kinda feel "Bad" for them.
Classics get Vamp's Life Drain -90, and Infected Zombie -40/-60 (Not sure), UNs get Vamp's Life Drain -90, and Death Wave -40 (In a big Area).

I remember when I had no chance at all before Vs Tribes!
UNs new Racial that is like Knight Fervor/Inspiration 2.0 is somewhat "Strong".
Im not getting Gold nor Silver tho! :P
WG 3, finally. Kinda late, but nvm.
WG 3, finally
Nice !!
How to calculate cost of an enchanted item?
*Renting cost
Value of the art + Value of the elements used to enchant divided by the durability
Divided by total uses leff5
Omg so much *.*
Well I don't remember what elements were used coz I enchanted it 3 years ago ._.
Is it economic to buy new arts or repair them?
Like I have full mithrill headgear and armour with 0 durability.
So should I repair or buy new one?
Repair once with a training smith, like grif, then probably discard.
Different story for extended dura arts though
Ok thx
quoting a guy who died while taking a shit doesn't help much :p

But still he was the most powerful and influential man in Westeros
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