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AuthorAbout Dark Elves
Hi everyone.

I was wondering whether someone had news on a possible upcoming alt faction for Dark Elves, or a rework on DEs racial skill, since its kind of useless for the Might ones.
That way we'd have more "Tools" when taking down these new factions that are coming up lately.

And thanks in advance.
the only ones who know are the admins, and they arent saying anything.

all we know is that at some point DE will get invisible troops :S
Hoping DE will get some good ranged units.:(
I am pretty sure that the DE alt is going to come sooner or later.
As far as I know all the alt creatures for DE have been planned so it is just a matter of time. Also, we already get armaments for termagents, minotaur gladiators, etc. from the alt DE family so it is another proof that it would come, for otherwise those armaments would be useless.
That said, I believe we might also have alt-alts, for example, we already get armaments for skeletal crossbowmen. Necro was the first faction to have alts so it might, in a few years, also be the first faction to have alt-alts.
However, even though we are sure DE alt would come, it is not specified when or how it will be introduced. You just have to wait until it happens, and it should be introduced soon(hopefully) because it has been very long since the last alt, charmer elf was introduced.
Hoping DE will get some good ranged units.:(
Funny that you say that because it is already confirmed that DE alt will be the first ever faction with ABSOLUTELY NO range at all! Witch upgrade would be melee and so would be bandits upgrade, however, witches would be stronger and bandits upgrade would have an 'invisible' ability.
witches also have the invisibility upgrade :P
for death2all:
That sounds cool! Where did you see that by the way?

the faction with no range...

[quote[As far as I know all the alt creatures for DE have been planned so it is just a matter of time. Also, we already get armaments for termagents, minotaur gladiators, etc. from the alt DE family so it is another proof that it would come, for otherwise those armaments would be useless.

Termagants , minotaur gladiators and lizards chargers are here since rebel event , which happened in 2011 or 2012 , wayy before merge.

I got armament for harpoones about 1.5 year ago.
Necro was the first faction to have alts so it might, in a few years, also be the first faction to have alt-alts.

what do you mean alt alts? :/
they are just second alts.

admins have already told that every faction will have two alts if memory serves correctly.

and barbarians already have two alts...so obviously necro won't be the first faction to have "alt-alts"

correct me if i'am wrong :)
you are ot wrong :D

invisibility is a very deadly ability if used correctly, especially in combination with a magic hero.

it will have to be made alot weaker :D
Can someone link me to a creature with invisibility ability?
i don't think there is any monsters with the invisibility ability currently, it'll probably be introduced with the DE alt "discovery" event.
It will most likely be an active ability, if not, we wouldn't even know if the ennemy has taken those troops in battle and maybe it'll also get only activable once per battle and for x turn
can someone then give me the description please?
well in HOMM5 it is an activated ability which makes the unit invisible for 3 turns or until the unit attacks anouther creature. 1 time per combat.
Any ideas on what their unique racial ability would be?
Well of course nobody except the admins know, but I hope it is going to be something that will increase attack. Normal DE has racial advantage only if you have a lot of fsp and knowledge, besides the alt is probably going to be very aggressive, so that's what I think.
for Elvian:

mouseover "Invisibility".
I thought any external link is prohibited
DE is already cool with the combination of troops with shrews, liz assailants and hydra. no retal and assault which mean dealing a lot of damage without taking retal.
I thought any external link is prohibited

secure links are allowed, and that site is well known. "risky" links will likely get deleted and the poster banned. harmful links will get deleted and the poster blocked.
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