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AuthorRayzar`s challenge
@liuker, for a lvl 14? Oddly enough those 7 in a row were close to those armies as well.
I've finished with 59/72, got all three cubes. You may get impossible armies, then you get easy ones. What's the problem? You have a good ratio if I look at your combat log.
@ParaLeul, I'm at 57/70 now, yours is better but that is not the problem. Actually the majority of the problem is that it does not have any consistency, either you get an insane to win army or an oddly easy one. And if you somehow happen to win an insane battle, then you get the double dose of the insane one or an easy one. It makes no sense.
for Lawton:

the necro army is not too surprising, but the wiz army is way stronger than what I've ever seen

it's very likely because you are DE, which is strong against wiz
Phew, finished :) 60/72
@ParaLeul, I'm at 57/70 now, yours is better but that is not the problem. Actually the majority of the problem is that it does not have any consistency, either you get an insane to win army or an oddly easy one. And if you somehow happen to win an insane battle, then you get the double dose of the insane one or an easy one. It makes no sense.

It's been like that in any event I've played.
Your result
Victories: 52
Total combats: 62
Obtained artifacts:Cube of vitality, Cube of Strength, Cube of destiny

finally did it:) now 10 more fight to get achievement!
actually managed to win 5 time as a fsp 5 holy knight lol
Ok, finally done, ended with 59/72.
I can't use the cubes at watchers guild, so what are these cubes good for? Only for regular hunts?
I find magic characters overpowered. Especially dark elves and wizards. Despite low count armies, their spell power quickly turns the odds into their favour.
Your result
Victories: 60
Total combats: 72
You have fought the maximum number of combats in this contest.
Excellent result - all the artifacts are obtained!
Obtained artifacts:Cube of vitality, Cube of Strength, Cube of destiny

done finally
I find magic characters overpowered. Especially dark elves and wizards. Despite low count armies, their spell power quickly turns the odds into their favour.

And the ninja shrew, garg, dragons that run off to the opposite end of the map
for Phil_Odaerin:
I find magic characters overpowered. Especially dark elves and wizards. Despite low count armies, their spell power quickly turns the odds into their favour.

Actually I've found them the easiest to kill. I simply rushed them with all I got, while shooting at whatever runs away. I killed them in 2 turns 99% of the time.

My hardest battles where against dark/defensive builds, as their mass slow and confusion made it very hard for my troops to "dive the map" and for my shooters to do any real damage.
For those still looking for strategies, late in the event I know, I highly recommend escort with a defensive build. Makes my guardians super hard to kill and with escort they can slow them down all they want everyone is still getting hurt from my hero. I've won a few battles that way and its pretty handy against lots of small stacks.
Your result

Victories: 51
Total combats: 62

Excellent result - all the artifacts are obtained!
Conduct all 72 battles and obtain this Rayzar’s symbol of distinction (not an artifact) to your achievements.

Obtained artifacts:Cube of vitality, Cube of Strength, Cube of destiny

10 more to go :)
Finished, final score 59/72
For me the worst combination is a dark build hero (DD or Shadow barb) and a sturdy one might hero (tribals are the worst, then Unholy necro, i just can not kill those bastards :( )
Might have been a better score maybe, but for me a lot depends on starting points.
Seems like AI "knows" where i put my Invokers :(
Date extended?
for Wonderla:

Yes time given up to 18th September. Was mentioned in the initial announcement.
ok I thought it was only till 16th. Thanks :)
pheww finished at last

Your result

Victories: 60
Total combats: 72

Excellent result - all the artifacts are obtained!
Conduct all 72 battles and obtain this Rayzar’s symbol of distinction (not an artifact) to your achievements.

Obtained artifacts:Cube of vitality, Cube of Strength, Cube of destiny
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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