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Authorwatcher's guild
I have seen forsame kind of battle(say vs 2 portal heroes) the number of enemy troops are much more for raising necromancer, whereas lesser for other factions. Is that true?
I am not really sure what you mean. Are you trying to say that nature necromancer enemies in WG seem to have a lot more troops? Or that if you play as a raising necro you tend to face more enemy troops?
nature necromancer enemies in WG seem to have a lot more troops?
I am not sure if I should ask this here, but this question makes me wonder if difficulty depends on the faction of the player. We never get to know the difficulty until we get into the battle, and when we do we can't change back. Is there any proof, such as two or more players of the same CL facing an enemy with same difficulty?
if difficulty depends on the faction of the player
That's would be my next question after this ))
Btw, let me be more clear..
1)If I have a quest (of say 3 portal heroes) and I have choice to play it with thatever faction I want. In such case am I going to recieve same army whether I take DE or Knight Or any other faction?
That means if there was option to play same quest again with different faction would the army be same?
I know its difficult to answer and the possible answer might be with game admins only.

2) I saw Nature/raising necro seems to have a lot difficult quests(Is it because they can raise again and again and get 3 starts each time?)
for Bheem:

I think the answer to both questions is similar. It is likely that there is some dynamic balancing to different factions. The overall difficulty relevant to each faction might be similar, but the actual troop make-up would vary.

We know that the admins have made it possible for armies not only to adapt to different factions, but to adapt to different builds/setups/settlements - For example in the Alecs challenge where the enemy would try to counter your build. So I would say that it is likely (but again more speculation) that this holds true for nature necro as well and that there may be more troops due to the reason you stated.

I think unless we were to sit down and have a look at a sample of relative battles then it is difficult to say for certain for either answer ;)
Given that every battle can supposedly be won by any faction, I assume that the actual amount of troop must vary, but on average, the difficulty should be the same regardless of your faction (of couse in fact balance can't be perfect).
Balancing is different I believe - and is not dynamic balancing - it is simply they replay a battle that has been won by your level and faction in a previous event - therefore it is winnable simply by the fact it has previously been won. However, the ease of that win will be quite variable - it may have been won my someone with a better set of stats than you - or by someone who basically got lucky with morale bursts - knockback luck etc.

Given this the ary you get could be potentially quite different if you were to use a different faction with not just different numbers but different creatures as well (eg pirates). However, given that we cannot do one and then switch we will never truy know.

As a slight aside - with pirate battles on watchers guild an easy guide to difficulty is from the number of cannons - indicating how far through it they had gone - more cannons- bigger boat - further through event - more difficult.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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