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AuthorTG Difficulty on thief level
Does, the difficulty depend on what thief guild level you are?
Post #10 might be helpful as well:

for _Sworks_:
Never saw that post before, so that means the difficulty depends on each faction and class? So if I change between charmer and classic my difficulty would be affected?
Isn't there a "PvE recruit % increase", to adapt caravan difficulty based on the player's faction ?
I can't find it anymore, though. If it's still accurate, I don't know if alt factions are affected by it though.
Alright each faction has a unique set of difficult, but does this number of victories is cumulative with each faction?

For instance, let's say someone won 20 times with necromancer and never lost.
Then he switch to wizard to play with. Following the example "B" the TG will be naturally harder, but since I've changed the faction, does the difficult per faction will start somewhat easier, than if the player keeps playing as necro? Or it's a default number that won't change, the only variable being the TG level and Win ratio?
For Angel of Death:

Arctics post does answer this question.(see below)

Changing faction/class also changes your current difficulty in proportion to admins' ideas of how difficult TG is for one class or another.
He explained that each faction has a set of difficult, but he did not explain if each faction will 'reset' the difficult if you're playing with a faction which never did a TG before.

He explained 3 elements that will impact on TG difficult which is.

A - TG level, a variable since it will keep becoming harder as level progress.
B - Faction change, which may be a variable (reset as change to a faction which never played a TG before.) or a permanent factor (default "X" number, depending of which faction.) This point is not cleary enough, since has 2 possible alternatives.
C - Winning ratio, which is pretty self explanatory.

what I'm wondering is, if I have some winning steak with "X" faction, then I switch to another faction which never done any TG before, is that new faction going to have a easier time, in comparison if I stay with the original faction that I was playing with? That's my question.

When I was CL 6, I was playing with Chaos DE build for TG (Potion of Oblivion wasn't free by the time.), eventually I reached a point of no more big winning steaks at CL 7, however when I changed to a unholy necro, I an instantlly winning steak of 7. Yes, it may be a small number, but taking in consideration that my previous games as Dark Elf Chaos has with enchanted full ap from server aniversary, and I've reached a point of no more considerable winning steaks, I think it worth to mention, because I was using shop artefacts AP without any Enchants, and actually in some fights I wasn't even using full AP.

The problem is, for TG battles at low level, and mostly PvE situations a pure might build is a superior build for DE instead of Chaos... So I'm not totally sure if it did impact on my performance or not. What I've to say is, I was having a bad time, I changed from a faction which was using full enchanted AP, to a new faction using min ap and I scored 7 winning in steak before starting to lose again. So, I guess that's a valid question.
what I'm wondering is, if I have some winning steak with "X" faction, then I switch to another faction which never done any TG before, is that new faction going to have a easier time, in comparison if I stay with the original faction that I was playing with?

To the best of my knowledge there is no 'reset' when switching factions (apart from Arctics comment in my previous post). I always use my main faction in ambushes.

At your TG level with a 'might' build you should be able to get good winning 'streaks' with minAP. I think you kind of answered your own question in your last paragraph. ;)
Taking in account that all my points with the unholy necro was in Kn, and that I was using full ap full enchanted with chaos DE, before switching...

So, you're you're confident with your answer, becaue you've played only with your main faction on ambushes? I think you kind of answered your own answer.
I'm confident with my answer. Yes.
does this rule apply to rangers guild too ??
I'm confident with my answer. Yes.

Ok, but I'l wait for some data, either to confirm or deny my doubt.
Arctic's answer said that winning ratio and tg level are constant variables.
About factions he said there's an personal level of difficult, which doesn't answer if they're a default number that will never change being total influentied by how hard it will be by the first two or it also has a personal calculator or not. For instance decay and rapid has two different formules, something that I've discovered on this very week, I always though they had the same formule. I need data, I need evidence.
there is no 'reset' when switching factionsthats absolutely 100% surely correct
closed by Bheem (2015-10-16 17:09:21)
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