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Negative Luck/Morale

AuthorNegative Luck/Morale

1. Is the chance to trigger -x luck/morale the same as x luck/morale?
---> The formula in about the game page does not make sense when luck/morale are negative.

2. When luck/morale for a stack changes in the middle of the combat, does the [Moves/Attacks befallen so far] and [Moves/Attacks not befallen so far] counters get reset for that particular stack?
---> Refer to the formula at https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=35
---> If it doesn't get reset, then the following situation is possible:
A stack with 0 morale moves for many many turns ([Moves not befallen so far] is high), and then stands next to an enemy ghoul, getting -2 morale. If the counter doesn't reset, then in the stack's next few turns, that 20% chance will be highly exaggerated for a while so that the [Moves befallen so far] can "catch up" to the [Moves not befallen so far] to approach the new 20% chance.
---> If so, is this intentional?
3. Are negative luck/morale also subjected to the maximum of 50%?
---> There are enough abilities to achieve more than -5 luck/morale, most of them belonged to nec (ghoul, dragons), then hell horse, alt genie.
---> Theoretically, we can achieve more than -10 morale and if there's no maximum, that stack will never get a turn?
Yeah it's the same as positive, the chance of 3 morale would be the same as -3 morale, only one would be positive morale the other negative.
I think the calculations for positive and negative morale would be a bit different, since negative morale occurs before any action in the turn, while positive occurs after the action. Like, if I get a turn, and in my moving forward I was supposed to get morale, I can change that by defending or waiting. Then even if morale was supposed to act, it wouldn't. Which makes it look like positive morale calculations include the present turn. While clearly this is not the case in -ve morale.

Luck should be the same though.
for narutoayan:
That's not taken into account for calculations, only "normal" actions are. At least that's what I think.
5 morale, fairy waits (1st turn)
The fairy's [Moves not befallen] counter is still 0, otherwise the fairy would burst in its first "move" (2nd turn).

in my moving forward I was supposed to get morale, I can change that by defending or waiting
So this is more like skipping the stack's morale calculation altogether regardless of whether it will trigger or not IF it decides to move instead. It doesn't look like it have any effect on the chance itself, at least the counters are not incremented.
#5,6 - Yea, which tells us that positive morale calculations include the present turn, while negative does not. I mean, I don't know the answer to your question, I just wanted to point this out.
for narutoayan:
Let me be more clear, in case you wait or defend, it DOES NOT count for positive morale, but it counts for NEGATIVE morale, same for luck of course. Another example would be "leap"... luck parameters would NOT count if positive, but would if negative, however morale always counts in leap.
in case you wait or defend, it DOES NOT count for positive morale, but it counts for NEGATIVE morale
Ok, in this case, it counts (for negative morale) not because of wait, or defend, (or move, or whatever the stack will do), but it counts because the stack did in fact get a turn right?

I don't see how leap would count if it's negative though, unless leap hit can trigger bad luck?
Ok, in this case, it counts (for negative morale) not because of wait, or defend, (or move, or whatever the stack will do), but it counts because the stack did in fact get a turn right?

I don't see how leap would count if it's negative though, unless leap hit can trigger bad luck?
Oh right, I messed up :P
In case of leap, luck parameters never count, but morale parameters always do :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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