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Author[censured] in transfer list?
Hey guys! I tried sending two people some compensation as I was unfortunately AFK during a survilig defense battle.

2015-12-16 00:55: Transferred 1500 Gold for xaknos, Commission charged: 15: [censured]
2015-12-16 00:55: Transferred 1500 Gold for Majblomma, Commission charged: 15: [censured]

The message was: AFK in battle at 2015-12-16 00:10. Compensation, even though we won. I'm so sorry for being AFK!

I'm not entirely sure why it was censored, as I don't believe I wrote anything against the rules. If I did, please do say.

Just confused on the censorship on those messages.
Hmmm, maybe a Bot recognized 'Fk' in the message and got it censured, its the only thing I can think of.

Otherwise, it doesnt really make sense.

PS: Nice of you to compensate for AFK tbh.
maybe a Bot recognized 'Fk' in the message and got it censured

Maybe. I'll send them 1 gold each in a small while to explain what the 1500 gold is then :).

PS: Nice of you to compensate for AFK tbh.
It only feels right. I created the battle, then was unable to participate in it. I'd feel so much worse if I didn't compensate them :)
I don't think that is the reason why it got censured. I ran a couple of tests of FK and AFK in - And neither were censured. It will likely be a string of words there, or perhaps even the date in the transfer log. I may continue to test it later to see what the cause was.
for Corey:
Thank you. I'm not sure what it was, but it makes my transfer log look shady. I don't appreciate a shady transfer log xD
Compensation for being AFK? WTF???
Compensation for being AFK? WTF???

we respect our fellow clan members, and as such feel guilty for not taking part in a battle and a nice little gift to say sorry is allways apreciated.

becides it makes the afk person feel better :D

anyway rogue, just put "compensation for being AFK" it has allways worked for me.
This is offtopic but the compensation doesn't really make sense anymore. Compensation is something to be given for the loss which other players incurred because of you. Since the game was won, the only thing to compensate for would be the time which the other guys had to wait for before AI took control of your army but either way you can't really compensate for the time.

I would prefer to not say anything on this topic, having given compensation myself in the past when the old system existed where you would be evicted from the game after waiting 5 turns and this would generally cause whole team to lose; i had to say it shouldn't really matter anymore if the team wins after having to wait around a minute or so.
either way you can't really compensate for the time.

time is money :D
prolonged battle can make loss of enroll opportunity.
loss of thieving opportunity
loss of hunt opportunity
and even loss of roullete opportunity

offtopic, I believe the real currency in life is time. everyone have different amount of time, we decided how we spent our time to live the fullest.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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