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Authoradditional characters
i have some additional characters but they are not at all related to each other. I use them independently and also never at the same time. do i still need to mention them ? If yes then where ? the rules say in the character information. does that mean in the personal information "a little about yourself" ? thanks in advance :)
You are allowed to have 2 characters in total. 1 main and 2 additional, without any transactions among them.

does that mean in the personal information "a little about yourself" ?
Yes. You can refer my profile to have an idea about mentioning them.

I use them independently and also never at the same time. do i still need to mention them ?
Yes. You should. Since they share the same IP as you do, they should be mentioned in your personal info.
https://www.lordswm.com/pers_settings.php - at the bottom.

Everything you need to know about Multichars here, under rule 3.

Make yourself clarified with the rules are else you may ending up with block or penalty.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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