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initiative imbalance


Authorinitiative imbalance
Whenever I fight as elf/chamber elf against elf/charmer, The initiative of my troops is always lesser then the opponents(watcher guild).
How else can I increase my initiative so that the melee, magic resistance, range damage, range resistance etc are same as that of my opponent.
it doesnt look nice. In this battle your opponent have +31% ini and you have +26 ini.

From fsl (10lvl) you have 10% ini, from TG 7% and arts 9%. I think your opponent have 11 fsl (+2% ini more) and 8 TG lvl (+1 ini more) and some arts giving more ini. You need to wear arts with more ini if you get task to defeat ef/charmer elf.
But remember, your opponent have armanent for ini:)
Let's see the grand master bowmen to find FsP level of hero.
We shall see this using GMB attack.
Bonus by fsp= creatures attack in combat-heroes attack-basic creatures attack-armament.
If any hero has fsp lvl 10 he would get +8 attack, with fsp 11 would get +10.
How the ai having +9?
It can mean ai has 10.5 fsp bonus or my calculations are incorrect.

Secondly, I still do not understand how could he get that much initiative.
Can you try to wear the best arts for the same class and compare att, def and ini with AI? We can see then the differences and we gonna know if he wear arts with more ini and less att instead
for Skoczek: tier 7 green dragons are same with both factions.

My opponent had initiative +3% faction bonus, +11% from fsp(considering 10.5 fsp level)+10% (weapons say)+7% (thief guild)
Weapon: blade of rebirth (+9%melee)
Armor: flame helmet, flame boots, flame plate(12%melee resistance, 21% magic shield).
Dragon scale shield 6% range resistant.
Bow of light 18% ranged damage+1% initiative.
+9 initiative by rings and medal.
Hence 31% initiative with appropriate bonus like magic shield, melee resistance etc. Is verified.
Hence initiative imbalance is sorted when I consider fsp bonus to be 10.5.
Is the fsp bonus is 10.5 actually?
Is the fsp bonus is 10.5 actually?
of course not:) U will get bonus after reach 11 fsl

tier 7 green dragons are same with both factions
Yup so it looks like he has 10 fsl like you, then his ini is:
3% (for elf faction) + 10% (fsl) + 10% (arts) + 8% (TG)

Like I said, try to wear arts with more ini if you will need to fight with elfs :)
Let's see the grand master bowmen to find FsP level of hero.
We shall see this using GMB attack.
Bonus by fsp= creatures attack in combat-heroes attack-basic creatures attack-armament.
If any hero has fsp lvl 10 he would get +8 attack, with fsp 11 would get +10.
How the ai having +9?
It can mean ai has 10.5 fsp bonus or my calculations are incorrect.

Fsp level is 10.5.
If you think I am wrong give me the proof where an I wrong.
there is no FSL 10.5 :D you can unequip all arts and check in recruit page, then add FSL stats to basic stats and you will see :)
For any human player the rule is true what thou said.
For an AI as shown in the combat link, it is 10.5.
If no, prove me from where the AI hero trips get extra from.
Ai troops get extra attack from.*
For level 15 the AI heroes have fl 11 (and anti of 6 I think). They have the best stats possible at that level. The stats that a player should have at the end of the level. In fact I think that AI heroes are always a copy of a real player, since sometimes they have nonsense talents or recruitment.
For level 15 the AI heroes have fl 11 (and anti of 6 I think)
wrong, it's random like in CG. You can check link in 1st post and compare dragons.

prove me from where the AI hero trips get extra from
What exactly extra point do you mean?
for Skoczek:
For any creature of AI in that combat we can calculate the total attack or defence.

I considered GMB, the total attack was 52.
From where did it come?
Heroes attack - 38
A neutral GMB in hunt has 5 attack
Attack armament is 0
And rest by fsp bonus.
We get, 43+attack due to fsp=52
So attack due to fsp was 9!
If a Lord has 10 fsp level he will get 8 attack
If a Lord has 11 fsp level he will get 10 attack
How the bonus due to fsp is +9 attack??
Maybe they have Clan Building Bonus added?
That is always displayed if you press control and double click on hero.
But it is not so...
But defence is ok
EFK has 3 basic def + 8 form FSL + 27 from hero stats = 38
Def is OK for all creatures

I think we misssed somethink :)
But defence is ok
EFK has 3 basic def + 8 form FSL + 27 from hero stats = 38
Def is OK for all creatures

I think we misssed somethink :)

Your calculation has a minor error..
AI hero defence is 26 not 27.
Hence, the problem is same in case of defence as well.
oops, sry for that:) I add your hero def insted AI
so now I'm completly confused and dont know how the hell this paramaters come from but I'm pretty sure there's no FSL 10,5 :D
may be they use some back pack item :P
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