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AuthorWhy wizaz Combat level: 6 change Spell Power , Knowledge to Attack?
Why wizaz Combat level: 6 change Spell Power , Knowledge to Attack?

Lasttime, I have Spell Power: 3 Knowledge:3 but now don't have all this and change to Attack: 11.

Please check
jz by one potion and reset them.

the potion is free btw
Your stats may change if you selected a different talent set (https://www.lordswm.com/skillwheel.php). You can change your stats back if you drink a potion of oblivion, available here: https://www.lordswm.com/shop.php?cat=potions
use this https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=reset_tube .
buy a few for free from here https://www.lordswm.com/shop.php?cat=potions and experiment with the talents system until you master it
Maybe you tried one of the preset talents setup?
Many Thank, all. :)
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