Author | [News] Portal of Time |
You will get an artifact and an achievement. But the art won't be worth much and you could also get a few levels in another faction if you keep playing. |
I have almost 950 crystals
And I have kept
12 rocs
8 thunderbirds
8 firebirds
8 dark rocs
4 ogre magi
Anything better ? |
At that point I went for crash demon army (no need for hall of unity)
searing horses, nightmares, cerberi, blazing hounds, succubi, fiends,
Can mix in with thunderbirds etc as well if you want - though then need the hall of unity, so depends on how much you have)
At about 1500 CoT I moved to a top tier army, normal setup of 4 wth 13% recruit or 5 with 10% recruit to get the extra one. Preference is giants, and behemoths. Paladins were quite nice with these as well as when they get to few left then just heal your big guys. |
1000 crystals..
Working well with 8Chargers
14 weyrens
5senior genies
1-2 pit demons/Heralds
And Sharpshooters |
I can only get tier 5 :/
So thats all I am limited to.. |
go with birdies..
use some sharpshooters as bait |
Earlier I could recruit 5 Large Creatures. Now no more. Very sad to see admin update stuff in the middle of an event. |
Hey i have about 700 cristals and raising, can someone help me with a nice battle combo?
I use
-84 invaders
-48 enforcers
-30 stalkers
-35 boar riders
-75 bandits
-55 Centaur Outriders
-And 3% in defence
Please help me since i kynda noob, thanks everione! |
for Vasco Castro:
You can always "spy" on your allies and use a good ideas for a combo ;) |
Yea thats what i have been doing i see a lot of people using the tier 5 birds of Barbarians. Im giving up on bandinds and stalkers not worth it anymore. Thanks |
You will get an artifact and an achievement. But the art won't be worth much and you could also get a few levels in another faction if you keep playing.
I see, thankyou Fosgeen! |
-84 invaders
-48 enforcers
-55 Centaur Outriders
I tried the tribal build, didn't like it, felt they were pretty weak without the whole blood thing, especially the outriders. |
If there is one suggestion I have to the admins for this event, PLEASE make it a Solo Event. I am sick and tired of having to pair up with utter nonsensical team mates. If I do end up getting a good team mate, we can't continue due to time differences. Top that with the ridiculous waiting time for getting a team member to join. And once you go past Level 30, hardly players turn up for battles quickly.
If this event were Solo, it would be more fun and less a chore. I find this to be one of the worst events given the amount of INSANE time you have to invest. 96 Battles to top it all is way too much. Back when we had 49 and 56 battles it did make sense. Now I have to spend hours and hours for a whole week for this event. Pathetic.
Now next we will have some pirate event, followed by another recycled non sense. Yay for nothing! -_- |
for AKA:
Yes I do agree with you one this completely. Maybe doing 10-20 battles with friends could be fun, but 96 just becomes a headache. Making PoT 1vs1 makes it far less time consuming, so 96 battles would be doable without feeling like it is a part time job without pay :P
Another interesting suggestion would be make it 25% or so 2vs2 and the remaining 1vs1, you can do either of them whenever you feel like it, this way you can enjoy the event with your friend as well as do the rest by yourself to save time. I am literally having a headache after doing 37 of these battles today since I would not have time for it over the weekend, on top of it most people in MC's would have to find mates from their MC, which takes even more time.
When this event was first introduced before even the merge it was by far my most favourite event, now not only is it way too long and monotonous, admins even reduced crystals and made certain troops extremely expensive so that we can't play how we like, now it's probably just an event I do to get fsp. :/ |
I think its more fun to play 2v2.. 1v1 is just another hunting event. |
Well perhaps they could give an option to choose. |
2 vs 2 or even 3 vs 3 is nice, but there are way too many battles to be done. It would be a lot better if we could get rid of the level system, like it was in the past. Back then someone new to the event could join up with someone who already did a lot of battles and win, since one of the enemies would be extremely easy. Now it's hard to find a partner when you're far behind on the daily number of battles. |
for Lord Fosgeen:
Yes, i do agree with that. Also it seems like admins increase crystals required for all the good units based on previous pots.. that is kinda rubbish. To me this event is only fun after acquiring 2k+ crystals. |
I really enjoyed it and I hope it comes around again. I liked the way it made us work with people at different combat levels, and a chance to try units we would never have thought of. |
I really enjoyed it and I hope it comes around again. I liked the way it made us work with people at different combat levels, and a chance to try units we would never have thought of.
Thank you. That really is the most fun thing this event provides... thank you for saying it. |