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AuthorWhat do Players think during Battles...
Player deals 0 damage to Lodestone golems with the meteorite rain spell. 0 perish.
Lodestone golems restore 400 hit points. 15 resurrected.

Wizard: Where is the surrender button?
Goes for a Hunt v/s 5000 Guardians. (1 Morale since neutral)

This should be easy.

*5 Stacks of 1000 each*

This should be challenging.

*Guardians are bursting for action*
*Guardians are bursting for action*
*Guardians are bursting for action*

My whole life has been a lie.
hunt of me against sharpshooters(1200)

split in 3 stacks of 400 each

I go solo as necro

first shooter: deals 4237 damage to vampires, 32 perish
*bursting for action*
second shooter: deals 4560 damage to apparitions, 71 perish
*bursting for action*
third shooter: deals 5190 damage to skeletal bowmen,312 perish
*bursting for action*

"I do some moving with remaining troops"

within next two moves,

-> player defeated, Ajith
you receive 263 exp.pts, 0.1 skill pts, 0.1 fsp
Please give archers first turn.

Please let EFKs survive at least for one hit :D

Hell True
Minimal AP thief.

Please , No Crazy ranger
Please , Let me have good fsp in a loss against caravan.

Don't let me team with some player who just rent low arts and join event.
I really should be doing some work, ah well, one more battle then I will get back to it
Damn why on earth did i join this battle.
"Take the decoy, take the decoy... Yeah! You're doomed!"
Well, maybe they will forget that the next hit on ghosts is a sure hit...

~~Any player:
(Close battle towards the end)
They get a Lucky hit... *Checks their luck again* They only have 1 and you have 2+... I should have some luck coming up... Luck befalls your 1 stack... Whelp the likely hood of luck happening again this fight is.... "Luck befalls Ene.."
Nevermind, I'm dead.

~~*Looks at Group Battles Page*
"Oh cool a fun little match, Low AP."
*Clicks join*
Has only 1 spot left to fill...
25 min count down
Checks Server time, 4AM
Waits full time, no one joins, game takes other players and leaves you
Realization sets in that you wasted all of that time.
***Hits head on keyboard, Uninstalls web browser, shoots computer***

~~*Takes retaliation for a stack*
Partners turn comes up... Waits full timer length. At 10 Seconds you type
*Chat lags*
_________ waits.
Stack you took retail for goes full timer without being hit.
Goes forward and slaughters your troops.
I wanna quit.

I like the Thread topic. sorry if there is an Age limit on what I can bring back. But this game and the forums could always use some more life.
How is it possible that when I have to hit the ghosts, it misses.
But when they hit my ghosts - voila, it's strike.

Most of the time I think that during ghosts fights.
Unholy Nature Necro vs Might Faction

I'll win, but I'll also waste an hour or two of their time. Oh well, sucks to be them.
Me yesterday finally upgraded my tier 3 creature wolfhounds into cerberi/blazing hounds

woo can't wait to try this new creature I got

*In mixed tourny*
LVL 9 holy knight with 55 stacks of wardens 1 hit K.O. my maxed out blazing hounds stacks
Battles vs elf(as a dark demon):
Blind moral knock moral blind moral, when can I have a move?
Battles vs dwarf:
Luck luck luck luck then half of my troops are gone, well lets start the battle now, it is our turn, you can not kill anything from now on.
Battles vs necro:
It seems no hope when fiends been cursed, but the battle would be despaired for both players.
Defense Tribal v/s DoF Wizard

Defense Tribal...
Oh well.

DoF Wizard...
Let me try winning this one with my Eyes Closed, while I use the mouse with my feet & hold my breath for the whole battle. Oh how surprising, I still won.
elite forest keepers(with 4 luck):this time this dwarven ursey is gonna get one shot from my hands hahahahha
he attack.......
no luck elite forest keeper deals 300 damage to frontier ursery 10 perish
frontier ursery (1 luck): haha u gone kid
when he attack........
expected to one shot directly but luck comes) :D
1000 damage to EFK (upraised wings of death) :P
haha you bastard-frontier ursery
unicorn take my revenge- says EFK and died D:
unicorn comes hey you lil muddle headed bear rider come hear i will tell you who is the winner.
unicorn plans to attack, by mistake he gets misclicked to a place.
berseker use double attack rune and fall into madness.
cya bro :P
priest upgrade( whatever the name is)
hey grandmaster whats up...
grandmaster- all fine what about you
grandmaster-hahahah i got my turn first
priest upgrade-(smiles)
grandmaster(2 luck and with crit on priest)
both things come and boom 3 perish to priest and then 1
grandmaster- hahahahhhah
priest- heals himself and luck arrives
kill all druids and grandmaster bowmen bye bye u guys
treefolk- hey berseker lets see who is strong
berseker-cmon you lil pussy cat
treefolk- ohh i cant reach there :P
berseker- fall in madness 3 perish
treefolk sleeps for one turn(too slow :P)
berseker hahahahah u gone now
luck and madness and a boom treefolk dies
on dragons left now
everyone is enough for him he just suicides himself
dwarf-hey elf your ears too big
elf-just see your size u lil bastard
elf-runs away crying
for chikish:

Lmao the best forum post I've ever read.
This is the best forum ever! xD
for chikish:
Lol nice one xD
Battlewiz, already wore luck arts, Fortune genies increase the luck of Gremlin wreckers by 2 for 15 turns. Total 5 luck..
When chance comes.. Where the.. is my luck??? xD
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