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AuthorHavent a super hard time in them Campaign Missions
I find Campaign enemies beyond overpowered, so sometimes in Campaign I feel quite Unskilled Lol...

I mean, Im reading everyone's comments saying they already did the first or even both Campaigns, and I cant even get past those 3 Bandit boys in the Healer Mission.

Maybe I have the problem, since everyone seems to be doing their Missions in multiple Factions, and I cant both in Nekro and DE.

I dont have problem playing Ambushes, Hunts or GBs, but no idea whats wrong with Campaigns. Even in the """Easy""" difficulty.
And I lose by far and it makes me feel super bad lol.
Might seem like Im kidding but no, Im totally serious Btw.

Any tips? Ty in advance Btw.
Correction: In the title I meant "Having", not "Havent".
Maybe post a link to the battles so people can see?

And are you wearing the best arts?
potion of skill + best shop arts should do.
And are you wearing the best arts?
Yes, thats why it saddens me.

Maybe post a link to the battles so people can see?
Sorry, I actually thought you couldnt see Campaign battles, kind of like Survival Tournament battles.



Sorry, I actually thought you couldnt see Campaign battles, kind of like Survival Tournament battles.

Normally you can't, the show for all bit is the bit we need that only you can provide. :)
Normally you can't, the show for all bit is the bit we need that only you can provide. :)
I see, ty.

The thing is that I CANT BELIEVE there is actually a "Medium" and "Hard" difficulty if the "Easy" is already beyond impossible Lol.

I dont wanna seem like whining/crying though, just asking for help to get the glory of victory.
A couple battles I had as a normal necro



And a couple as unholy necro


You don't have to kill all three bandits, it's enough if you beat two of them to proceed. I also couldn't win the battle against the one with renegade thugs.
A couple of things to think about re this battle

https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=775405797&show_for_all=19c0742d97 [# chat $ E]

Placement of mino and poisoners - In thief battles if you want to charge the centre (like you do) then only put troops which may get blocked by the hero that can take it (high ini or flyers)

Your shrew attacks were wasted by targetting something that your lizards were going to kill close enough on their own, so use their advantage to target griffs (always good to use no retal on an unlimited retal opponent)

Army recruitment - 9 dark witches and lots of poisoners. Since as a DE you are always going to give away the ranged advantage you must devote to your melee, especially in a thief where he is tightly packed and you are spread out. You will never get an inrange shot from your witches, so they are doing damage under their potential. Therefore are best seen as casters or distraction for the enemy, in this case split them. Poisoners on the other hand are your lowest tier, so have the worst stats and so die easily. Generally tier 1 against a hero led army can do a lot of damage, but are highly prone to being killed off easily so must be used carefully. I do not know what your recruiting options are eaxactly, but I would beef out your minos if you can.

Talents - How much more troops does rally really give you, compared to something that means you hit harder with what you have left

I am sure there are other things besides this I am no DE expert.

This is my equivalent battle on level 14 for the same opponent (ish)
Note however that I am without ladons and twighlight dragons, so it should have been easier

Is it posible to get a list of items for might build on lvl 12? that would help alot.
also be aware, you can use any arts (including hunter, thief and event arts)
enchants have no effect though

I couldn't win the healer campaing on easy either, by the way :-)
When i get some time off, i will try with different recruiting and talents
Ty for the tips, will see what I can do.
closed by Ipsen (2016-05-20 06:17:30)
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