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Authorbest faction
i want to know which is the best faction overall. just the facts and no diplomacy
The best faction is always the one you're not playing.
Barb and elf.
every faction has its strengths and its weaknesses. in otherwords they are all the best :D
There are some that are better than others at certain things, so depending on what you value and how you want to play we may be able to suggest what is your best fit. This should be easy enough to work out by a look of the troop types and faction skills for each one. Though the play style of each faction can change slightly depending on your combat level.
the best faction overall. just the facts and no diplomacy
charmer elf & battlewise wizard
"Best" taking into account what? Fun or PvP or PvE?

best faction overall.
"Best Overall" Factions I'd say DE or Elf, both good at Hunts, PvP, Thieves Guild... Etc. I dont find them too appealing but many ppl like them, plus DE is gonna get an Alt somewhat "Soon".

And the funniest ones I'd say Dwarf or Demon probably, Nekro and Tribal are also interesting. Tribal gonna get an Alt after DE they say.

I honestly think you should Focus on playing a Faction which you really enjoy playing, since you'll be playing the game for YEARS in case you begin to like it and it grows in you.
This is not a game you play for 2 weeks, so you should decide wisely, since the decision is important. :P
i kind of have an aggressive play style. i move front,what kind of faction suits offensive play.
for glitch2021:
elf, DE, barb
for glitch2021:
de if u want to do quick kills, with good initiative

Barb if u want to deal massive blows and want to last long

Tribals, if u want to get bonuses and a good initiative

Dwarf, if u wanna be a cheater dude, and want to turn defeat into victory, last longer and want more defense.

Elf is best for Xtreme kills and hunts, but not good for survilurg battles. this faction is built for Speed kills and not for staying long.

demon: if u want to overcrowd the opponent and decrease their morale, eventually decreasing their chances of victory over you.

but as Meshy said :The best faction is always the one you're not playing.
you forgot necro Ajith
you forgot necro Ajith

Necros are good for making battles long. :P
for glitch2021:
i kind of have an aggressive play style. i move front,what kind of faction suits offensive play.

Ok so direct melee type player, I would guess given selection of knight so far as your main you like to not die straight away.

IF you like having a unit that is gonna stick it out and be the last to die, to stick with knight.

If you want to have several threat units that have some stamina I would go with tribal.

For a higher damage out put and still multiple threat units, but less staying power go for barbarians

Necro is less directly aggressive as they do not have enough iniative and no morale, but can be oppressive in just keep coming.

Personally since your first comment was an aggressive play style, I Think you should go with tribal as they whole ethos of the army is attack attack attack and never wait
in my opinion elf is damn strong in all levels. And demon/dark elf controled by smart player.
Player banned by moderator Dragon Eater until 2016-05-24 21:01:06 // posting with additional character, warning
#14 sry for posting with second acc. By mistake
I think DE and BW Wizard for pvp.
IMO elf are easy to kill in pvp.

for pve elf,de, wizard.
Best faction could be the most versatile one, which therefore enables you to perform in *all* kinds of fights.

In that case : necro, knight, demon.
for Derelict:
*all* kinds of fights = necro demon Barb
i would suggest charmer or barb...
personally i dislike tribal idk why and don't judge me by my stats in lwm lol i have played homm 5-7...
This game is Rock paper scissors , its a well balanced game

Rock beats scissors , but paper beats rocks , etc.

Some factions are great but can be countered by other factions.
It all depends on your playstyle and personal preferences
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