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Author[New Event][Light vs Darkness]
Players from the light side are getting many fights against AI

Really? I want to switch sides :p
then why didnt you :P maybe then i wouldnt have lost :D 1st battle, 1st loss...makes me feel great
Elves, dwarves and wizes on same team :(
Thats unfair
side selection is limited to what castles player have at the moment.

what an event, I lost too many gold for echant just for someone else kick my butt.
seriously, is there some frustrating balancing going on? 2/7 teammates have had enchants and 14/14 enemies...
It takes ages to kill 2 almost complete armies with firewalls and magic punches ...
Light has 2 times more points than darkness.
Are there 2 times more smart people or this teaming is some joke?
Since they expect people to wear enchants, they should give the liberty to people to form their own teams within their sides.

this teaming is some joke
There is more players in the light squad than in the dark squad.
Going by the current faction statistics 49.4% are light and 50.6% are dark, so no it's not because light has more people.
Going by the current faction statistics 49.4% are light and 50.6% are dark, so no it's not because light has more people.

So what? Not every player joins the event. There is much more players in the light side, and that's why the light squad has much more points(more players = fight against AI = easy wins = more points). Just take a look in these logs, as examples:


Most of the battles are against AI. It means that there were no opponents at that time, so the game put the AI to fight instead. And it happens again, and again, and over again.

In the previous event (griffin/manticore) I had 3-4 battles against AI, out of 48. In this one, I have 16 out of 19 already.
Lol how do you have so many ai ones???
Is there a trick? xD Like join at last minute or something?
My guess is that there is not enough CL 16 players around, in the dark squad. And I just had one more fight against AI now :P
Omg and I am yet to face a single ai one xD
Lucky you!
The enchantments stopped working.
Guys, are the enchants working or not??
for virtual_vitrea:
It stopped, all counters reset to 0.
Wtf lol.

1) Enhancements are not working anymore
2) Total points were defaulted
3) The new count includes only PvP wins
No enchant works now. looks like getting non enchant partner is not a problem anymore.
Okay looks like i messed up.

I want to play barb but i chose light. It wont let me play with barb now.. what can i do? How to switch to dark? I have played zero battles.
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