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Author[New Event][Light vs Darkness]
Nvm, just checked. I can do it with my level 3 multi.
REALLY? please go to light side and lose lol.. jk
Although just an idea, I lazy to create new and it's related to event anyway

1) Scored shold be divided between level

and reward(and/arts) also depend on level range.
REALLY? please go to light side and lose lol.. jk

So my alt is a tribal (dark), I don't think there are enough people that level, so I got put up against AI (who could split stacks more than I could) and we lost. Luckily AI battles don't count towards overall score.
OMG..!! no!!!
Although just an idea, I lazy to create new and it's related to event anyway

Only dark heroes could think of such unknightly stratagem lol
Sorry dudes, I was away a few days. Things running as usual now. Dark side kicks butt!
Forgot the little irony smiley, sorry to all the guys without humour...

Here it comes: ;)
The weekend effect is crazy..
Well on that front I am glad the event finishes on a Sunday!

Bring it home bearers of the light!
Ok I am a bit grumpy so would like to submit a battle for peer appraisal.

I had won 8/8, with no battles particularly close cut, till the last one which I personally believe was lost due to the complete lack of tactical understanding of my teammate. We have the ranged advantage, so what does he do, rush into range of there only real shooter. I mean what self respecting dwarf rushes in with invokers on the first turn, into the range of skeletal bowmen without even using a rune. To add to this multiple occassions of shooting at out of range targets at half damage and ignoring the ones right in front of our face. I am suprised it was as close as it was in the end.

So, am I justified in feeling grumpy that we should have won it (or at least had a chance- had my teammate played better). Or was I a tactically liability, or were we always going to lose. I await your verdicts......

till the last one which I personally believe was lost due to the complete lack of tactical understanding of my teammate. We have the ranged advantage

I just lost 2 relatively easy battles vs. AI because of my partner (one charmer one classic) thought it'd be a great idea to run right in... I'm playing as a buffer dwarf too.
My record is 8/23
100% of the time we have ranged disadvantage and inferior buff. Even if we have rapid or chastise it will copied or stolen.

My win is only by missplay of opponent such as rushing elf or bw wizard didnt protect his lodestone golem.
Kraby, try a defensive tamer dark elf and max mino? I went up against that and it was a massive pain (lost eventually). Then chastise mino and your summons.
try a defensive tamer dark elf and max mino
Dominion of fire

Then chastise mino and your summons
child of the light, rune of magical attraction.

anyway I look for your battle meshy, you lost because you + knight doesnt have ranged advantage VS DE with elemental call on meteorite rain. plus dwarf and knight are slow, perfect for stalling strategy by opponent as magic DE+ defensive tamer DE
in the sence of anoying teammates, check this one out


i feel we should have easily won this or at least been a bit closer.
for krabylos:
My winning ratio is
You won 18 out of 22 battles (loss at early while I can't decide talents and faction)

I find it very help if Tamer DE come with me with 40-50 mana (or even 30 can do)
max mino- No poisoner or shrew (whatever they are called)
Max lizard- (Yes, liz !! not upgrade) because of their ignore defense
Max witch

Split witch depend on situation. Very helpful- Link to battle with Tamer DE level
Lv14 - https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=787093908&lt=-1
Lv14 - https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=787176438&lt=-1
Lv15 - https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=787207742&lt=-1
Lv13 - https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=787220021&lt=-1

I'll provide more detail later especially with Tamer DE-(lv13)
without upgrade except mino
without max AP
for death2all:

Definately it should have been closer and probablymay have been win without his rush. IT meant you were forced to move your giants and sphinx across to protect central shooters, meaning they got to kill little before they got zapped and gave him time to bring minos to protect chaos DE.

I do find it hard to understand just quite how some people cannot deviate from the rush in irrespective tactic and hope for luck and morale triggers to win it for them. Elf players seem most likely to do this as it can work out for them that way even if it would have been better to stay back for a while.
On the flip-side I played a match yesterday where I was the annoying teammate ;) Made some very foolish moves in the match and found myself apologizing after the first 3 or so moves I had made. Fortunately my teammate was much more competent than I was!

On another note, who really plays classic wiz anymore? haha
Coincidentally I played with a lev 16 classic wiz teammate and the game was awful. She told me to rush against a tamer even though I didn't want to, but I did and I got totally destroyed. She too rushed and we stood no chance.

30/31 for the Light!
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