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AuthorLoaning from multi
I am kinda curious why it is illegal... I mean as long as regular loan rules apply, such as the loan amount and time limit, and a fine if you do not repay on time, how is it any different than asking someone else to lend gold to you?
It is is illegal because it it not allowed by the rules. ;)

3.10. It is allowed to create additional characters to familiarize yourself with features of other factions. Additional character must be completely independent; remember, that extrachars created for financial profiting of the main character in any way are blocked without hesitation. One player may have up to 3 characters (one main and two extras).

This is the purpose of multies. Players often tried to use their multies for other purposes, and that's why it has so many restrictions.
It just opens up a door to more illegal activity
More denial
In the end more people would be blocked
You would here "Well why cant I just send the gold to my main account theyre all the same person anyway" or " How come I can loan but not gift" blah blah blah
It just makes it easier for admins to say absolutely no transfers between same ip no excuses
I am kinda curious why it is illegal... I mean as long as regular loan rules apply, such as the loan amount and time limit, and a fine if you do not repay on time, how is it any different than asking someone else to lend gold to you?

You have 3 multies.
You loan from one multi. A bit later take a loan of the same amount from another multi and pay back your previous loan with it. And then you loan again the 3rd multi and pay back the 2nd. In theory, you have a loan to pay back, but in practice it is similar to having a gift from your multis (and the higher their level, the higher the amount of the gift).
I bet you havent done any military service.. you will see some regulations there that are even harder to understand.

here is a funny one I still remember. regulation for eating a sandwich (well not sandwich exactly, just dont know how called in english, its a rolled thin dough, minced meat in it - bruito ??)

regulation says soldier has to open it, check it carefully then reroll before eating.

can you guess why ?

once upon a time a soldier died from a bee sting, in the throat. hence the regulation circulated ;)
for lord fallen:
No, as I said I am talking about loans.
It is not THAT complicated, there are three types of transfers, loans, gifts, and trades. All you have to do is allow only loans and anyone who gift or trades will be punished, it's as clear as the current rule.

for Slust:
You see this is exactly my point, I could do that very same thing with other people, not my multis. For example I can ask two of my friends to lend me 200k for a week, or even a day it doesn't matter. Every day/week I "refresh" the loan. The only downside however is the 1% interest lost, suppose I pay that also for the person lending me, I would pay quite a bit of interest but still that's a different topic.

Just to restate my point, there is no difference between lending from a real player or a multi, so why shouldn't it be allowed?

I bet you mean burrito :D
That example imo is not related though, it makes sense, could be a bee or could be any other insect you never know. But yeah unlucky guy, in his bite if he bit and killed the bee he wouldn't have been stung I suppose, but whatever off topic :P

for _Sworks_:
Everything is law because it is the law =.= I am asking for the reasoning behind this rule.
you want logic explanation ?

Imagine your char have bad reputation such are roullete addict, not healthy financially, liars, etc. in sort, not credible to be given loan by most people. but hey, I have multi char with lot of gold, let give loan to myself by myself. since most people don't want to give loan to not credible person and by having multi you can always give loan to yourself therefore admin stated the rule that multi not allowed to give loan to main char.

even if you will always try to pay loan back, the will always risk involved. why let risky activity which lead to many char banned and lot of work auditing the transaction if you can forbid it by rule instead
It just opens up a door to more illegal activity

It is is illegal because it it not allowed by the rules. ;)

These are the most straight forward answers you can get
I simply elaborated for your benefit but honestly any other answer you get will just explain these answers further
Imagine your char have bad reputation such are roullete addict, not healthy financially, liars, etc.

I don't know if you directed that to me or not but just so you know I don't have a rich multi so I can't possibly do it, also I have a few friends you are nice enough to help me when I need gold :)

That aside, I understand what you mean, many people have a hard time getting a loan, and that is exactly why I think maybe taking a loan from multi should help, of course if you fail to return you get fined.

PS: Maybe it would be interesting if the empire itself lent money, maybe for 5% interest or something...
I think maybe taking a loan from multi should help This simply would never happen
Maybe it would be interesting if the empire itself lent money, maybe for 5% interest or something...
Possible unlikely as it would involve more admin activity but make a post in I&S
Never know what could happen
A loan gives you a temporary advantage that you would not have otherwise.

As Sworks pointed out; the nexus of the multi rules is essentially 3.10.
3.10. It is allowed to create additional characters to familiarize yourself with features of other factions.

The administration would like to restrict the influence of multi-chars on the main characters that are playing.

Say you loaned 100k from your multi-char. The terms of the loan are naturally limited to 1 month. You have a personal crisis and are unable to play over that month so can only return 20k by the end of the month. Now you have a problem - because that 80k difference is illegal support from your multi.

The admins or the keepers then have to waste their time sorting out penalties etc. for something which is completely avoidable if you just keep the mains / multis separate.

It's just messy. In that case, should you get a fine of double the amount because it was a loan? Or should you get blocked because it turned out to be a received sum of gold from a multi? What if the loan was not clearly indicated? Should somebody have to try and clarify whether the gold was intended to be a loan or might it just have been financial assist?

many people have a hard time getting a loan, and that is exactly why I think maybe taking a loan from multi should help, of course if you fail to return you get fined.

Perhaps that is the point. If a player can't get a loan they should learn to be self-sufficient. If they can't be self-sufficient with their main account, then how can they be expected to be self-sufficient with their multi? ;)
No I didnt meant to offence anyone. I dont even see your char pages.
for Corey:
Thanks for the elaborate answer :) So it seems the main reason is that they don't want multi's to help the main in any way, and it would also save time from having to make a lot of fines.

for krabylos:
Oh dw I didn't mind :D
closed by Corey (2016-09-02 09:47:14)
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