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AuthorHere comes the balance update
lord fallen when you reach higher levels you will understand why.
Trust me experience in higher levels is one thing I am far from lacking ;)
All I can think of is... what about zombies lol
OMG YES. I've been asking for this for years now.

God, I want a Rework for them so hard.
They are TOTALLY useless now after MG Monsters not losing Atk or Def anymoarr.
And Alt Zombies arent too awesome Tbh.

I know Zombies in Films are really slow, so you cant make them faster, but...
IDK, give them "Leap" please... XD
And give them the chance to Cast Berzerk on attack, like Zombie bites you so you go mad n crayzay, like in Films, then might even hit your allies.
Or Life Guard Membrane + Petrified Blood, in case you wanna make them a Tank, IDK...

Give us a reason to put Zombies instead of Apparitions, give us some "Dicision Making".
Now the ONLY possible and viable thing is to Max Appas, Vamps and Envoys, and ofc Skeles in case you are Classis Nekro.

But still, dont get me wrong, I appreciate this Update, looks like they wanna Revamp the game apparently as I said.

And give them the chance to Cast Berzerk on attack, like Zombie bites you so you go mad n crayzay, like in Films, then might even hit your allies.

You wouldn't want beserk, if you hit something and it goes beserk, it might hit you back without retal.

But I agree, something for zombies would be really good, maybe something like when it attacks and ability does damage over time, like poison or something, but perhaps when the stack perishes, it turns into zombies controlled by you.
lord fallen when you reach higher levels you will understand why.
Trust me experience in higher levels is one thing I am far from lacking ;)

Yet you say things like - "they have no ranged units how can you complain" Do you think they should have ranged units? Having no ranged units is a stupid reason to justify any buff when they were/are already beating factions with ranged units.

I did explicitly state that i wasn't complaining although the buff is unquestionably huge but the reason is simple. After a rather small period of dominance they will get nerfed again but people still have a right to complain. Not many of us thought DE was weak before this buff - even the DE players. You should know that.
Wait wait wait so I don't get one thing, I supposed the blinding upgrade meant that if someone gets blinded they can be only woke up by enemy(so the guys who blinded it). However some are saying it's not like that.
So let's say it's a duel between charmer and wizard, unicorns blind genies, can lores' fireball wake genies up? Or can only charmer's spells wake it up?
for randomr1:
anyone can i'm sure. Earlier too, you could wake up your own blinded units if you had a way of attacking an allied unit except with chaos spells.
1) Chaos magic cast by enemy hero or creature now dispels Blinded / Lethargized.
It specifically says "Enemy Hero". What does it mean?
Imo it means if you Sleep opponent, opponent cant wake up HIS own Units with HIS own Magicks, but you can wake up his Units.

Why do they do this? To prevent abuse from Charmer by throwing Magicks at Blinded Units.
If they throw Magicks at a Blinded Unit, they will wake it up, thus this change is detrimental for them and beneficial for anybody who faces a Charmer boy.
Now they have more "Counterplay".
Chaos magic now dispells Blindness

^this is what what shared in post 1. Now i'm not sure about it after what ipsen said.
Wait, I got Confused too XD
Let me put it clear.
Imo it means if you Sleep opponent, opponent cant wake up HIS own Units with HIS own Magicks, but you can wake up his Units.
This remains the same, you cant wake up your units unless you are a Tribal boy.

But now Charmer Wakes up opponent when throwing Magicks at Blinded/Asleep enemies, for the reason I mention in 67#.
68# Virtual Boy, in Post 35# SwiftGirl puts a more precise Translation btw.
for Ipsen:
yeah i noticed :) If swiftgirl didn't have girl in her name, would you call her swift girl? xD
yeah i noticed :) If swiftgirl didn't have girl in her name, would you call her swift girl? xD
Lol! I bet Ipsen grandpa would xD

But back to topic, I do think it has to be enemy hero, it would be a disaster for blind and lethargy if the team of the blinded troop can wake it up. I mean there were only a few actions that could do so before the update, such as tribal's haste, magi's through shot and dragonic breath from various creatures. I can't think of other abilities right now that woke up blinded/lethargized troops. Well anyway it would be quite a big nerf so I assume it still hasn't changed. What has changed is that I cannot blind you and keep lightning you(which doesn't make sense because lightning is bright enough to blind you anyway :P)
On a side note, I remember a few weeks ago when people were saying tamer would surely be nerfed.... haha nice nerf they got.

Yet you say things like - "they have no ranged units how can you complain" Do you think they should have ranged units?

How does this even have relevance to what I said?
Give me one reason they shouldnt when elves have gmb barbs have orcs knight get xbows and DE "oh we'll just give shrews 8 speed and that should compensate"
Like what?
Not many of us thought DE was weak before this buff - even the DE players. You should know that.
I understand DE is a powerful faction I was not denying its power by any means but its not a rookie faction
You have to admit it requires a bit more skill than taking expert fortune with the temporal set and murdering everything with gmb
On a side note, I remember a few weeks ago when people were saying tamer would surely be nerfed.... haha nice nerf they got.

There isn't a huge reason to nerf them yet. If you look at the balance tables, accross all levels in PvP they aren't hugely unbalanced. Of course they have a lot less data on them because of fewer battles - but the only major variations are a 71% win rate against classic barbarians, a 65% win rate against fury barbarians. They have a below 50% win rate across all levels in PVP against alt-knight, alt-wizard, dark-elf and the rest are comparable.

With the buffs/nerfs the admins will have adjusted the recruitment level in the hope they get the balancing a bit better across the levels. Of course there is not a lot of data to do that yet.
so this is the reason lord fallen.your main is a dark elf.are you the one that cant win a single watcher guild hunt?
so this is the reason lord fallen.your main is a dark elf.are you the one that cant win a single watcher guild hunt?
Im sorry can you rephrase the question?
I dont quite catch what youre asking but it seems you suspect I am a multi of a higher level DE? Am I understanding correctly?
or just a troll
for Lady sofiouta:
Lol what are talking about? xD
I understand DE is a powerful faction I was not denying its power by any means but its not a rookie faction
You have to admit it requires a bit more skill than taking expert fortune with the temporal set and murdering everything with gmb

Umm just so you know balancing is based on standard shop equipment strength not temporal set. And also DE is also just as strong with any set lol...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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