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AuthorHow did you discover LWM?
I honestly think this is the game in which I spent the biggest amount of hours in all my life (God, I look at my LG level thing and I freak out, thousands of hours actually).

... Yet I look back, and I dont really remember how it all began (Around 2008-2009 or so).
I mean, I dont know how I entered the game at all.
I guess I probably clicked some advert thing then I ended up here (Those small adverts you can see in Youtube or random webpages, for instance).

The thing is this is not the kind of game you would show to your group of friends, like "Hey, this game is cool, you should try it", in a field where shooter games or MOBAs reign.

Last week I searched in Google "Good Browser Games, without installing", and I freaked out when I saw this is not in the best 30 at all.
... Actually it didnt even appear at all in several webpages I searched in, even though there are 6-7K players in the afternoon, weird.
Knowing this, I dont see how new people would come acrross this if it doesnt appear anywhere.
No idea how I ended up here Tbh (Glad that I did somehow, of course :p).

The fact that you would not show it to your group of friends, and that it does not appear in Google at all, limits the entry of new people in the game, and everytime I see new people enter it (When they post in the Forum asking """Newbie""" questions, for instance) it makes me happy, Tbh.

But anyways... I get Off-Topic sometimes XD
So, wondering:
Did you come here because you heard about it from a friend, did you click some advert and ended up here...?
for Ipsen:
clicked some advert thing then I ended up here at around 2010.
clicked some advert thing then I ended up here at around 2018.

I'm not a time-traveller, I swear! :D
I came here from another game called travian(that was the name i think) in 2009. I was a barbarian in that game, so i went with barb here :D

And yes. This is the game i have been playing the most.
clicked some advert thing then I ended up here at around 2009
for virtual_vitrea:
exactly, travian brought me here too in 2010
i searched for online strategy games on google, played many for a while and only a few for a long time.
lwm was not easy to find.
God, I look at my LG level thing and I freak out

Your LG is too low. :P

Girlfriend plays this game, she dragged me here and regrets that she didn't use her invite code. :D
Your LG is too low. :P

I know it is low XD
But I mean, I spent almost 5000 hours in here, its a lot.
But I mean, I spent almost 5000 hours in here, its a lot.
I sincerely hope it does not take you 1 hour to type 6 letters.

I find it out through an add.
I cam from a travian link as well,

ah how my life would have turned out if I never clicked that banner....
for Lord Syrian:

Just realized that LWM opened in 2008, jeez...
Really can't believe
Basicly this game was popular among kids playing games in a library, in a town where my school was. Since I did not live there and I had no computer at home, I would go there to play games after school. Those kids showed me this game, we all play to this day but I am above all of em, mostly because most of em are banned :D
Also I grew up with heroes of might and magic. I am playing the entire game right now :)
I used to play a lot of HoMM. In 2008 a friend found this game and recommended it. He lost interest and I am still here 8 years later... haha :)
I typed "Heroes of might and magic online" At first I didn't find anything (perhaps it was before 08?), but a few year later I did found this game.
Back then HoMM series was one of the strongest (if not the strongest of the genre.)

Currently ubisoft did release their own online version, but they really, really sucks. That's a shame that HoMM is kinda dying or at very least not as strong as it once was, beucase I believe some players come from those games, thus it depends on HoMM success to get new players.

I'm afraid that some of those 'newbie' question, are nothing less than returning players, not actually flesh blood per say. Not saying that every case is the case though.
I can't remember, but it was around the time I used to play travian too! Interesting to see so many (ex)-travian players (now THAT game took a lot of time lol)
2008 travian
2008 travian lolz but my previous account has been blocked due to illegal transfers
click some advert and ended up here
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM