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AuthorReduce the number of events battles per day
I can't participate in the latest events.Too much for me and even if i had the time i would feel like a zombie with that monotony.
I agree, 12 per day are too much
We really need more time to complete the event!

as much as id like to play 12 a day, its just not working, when the battles were easy they took at least 5 mins, but once they started to get harder they could take up to 1 hour to do...

i feel i need to take a whole week off work just to complete the event...

I knew I couldn't manage 12 battles a day (4 - 5 at the most for me at the moment) so I didn't even start the event. Less battles per day please

Even if I am able to manage 12 battles a day, it just makes me lose interest.
It used to be 5 battles a day and that went by pretty fast, but people wanted more for 5 was not enough for their thirst, then it got upped to 7 and people cheered, but still they remained parched and wanted more.
Then way back when the battles went from 7 to 12 a day, I had made this point that when you have to do that many the game would lose it's fun element and become more of a chore. I got nothing but resentment and ridicule. Now that the reality has set in and their cups are overflowing and they are practicly drowning in them with bellyache, I hope the admins decide to up the 12 to at least 15 battles a day in the near future.
I agree. To complete 12 battles per day you should be online so much time and actually pass the most time of the day fighting.
It's simply undoable if you have a work, family or lessons to study.
I managed to complete around 50 fights and even that was too much for me.
+1, for this pirate event I was too busy studying for exams (january is a student session), was able to play 26th and 27th days only. Managed to squeeze out 30 battles...
+1 I have been skipping events because I know there is no way I can complete them.
I agree as well. From the 4th day were the battles much time consuming. I would say 45 mins in average, depending on opponent. If we got wizard with huge troops numbers, the battle took more than whole hour. I think 10 battles per day would be enough, or 4 extra days/instead of 2.
Agree. While I understand that more fights per day means more time spent on lordswm servers, the risk is that, not having time to properly compete in an event, users with jobs and families will start dropping out of the events alltogether. I am starting to to this as well.
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