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AuthorReduce the number of events battles per day
i would wish the 2-3 weeks wars are back even i do not want to go wombie mode again as it was during last war :D
+1 This is a game not a full time job. To do this pirate event i did 8h at work and 6h for game...the rest was for everything else and that is just wrong.
+1 To enjoy the event in full i realy need to steal many hours from my off-line time. Or i have to skip it. I think 7 combats a day would be enough. If someone finds it not satisfying they can play more on their second char :P
I played as far as I felt like it. When I couldn't keep up, I stopped. Quiting the event (any event however tedious or lengthy it might be) does leaves a sense of unaccomplisment though and that is a pity. At least I gained some fsp... 5 battles per day would be ideal imo along with 5 days max events. just my two cents.
+1 Agreed why cram all those battles into a 1 week event and sometimes have no events for 3 to 4 month stretches during the year? Makes no sense.
i totaly agree with you,and RecPT you are right too,wenn comming from work,and (i have it now on me as mailman) i am tired etc, i start play around 1900,had to cook eat and oither things before i even can start,than 12 fights a day and yes to much
+1 totally agree , 12 battles per day is to much if you have to find a parthner.

This is the 1st time I didn't complete the event as its clashing with RL & I haven't tried to make time for this consciously [Too much repetitive battles made it boring :( ]
+1. Too many battles- perhaps to difficulty levels can be tweaked to scale it up fast.
3-4 Days should be given to complete the event battles.

Though I completed the event this time but it is lil difficult to complete the event since the number of battles are huge.
+1 , during vaccations I was always able to complete event but this time without a partner I gave up after ~20 battles.

Doing 1 Battle takes minimum 15 Minutes. 12 Battles a day = 3 ACTIVE Hours in Battles.

All that for over a Week... Mhmm talk about some Time Investment.
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