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AuthorReduce the number of events battles per day
I see no fun in trying to catch up when having RL things such work, household, social life Etc.

I know many people, such as myself, don't even start them anymore, because we know we will not be able to complete the event.
Last time I played I did took a day off from work and seriously this is not an option.

I thought it was bad when we had no more 3x3 battles, I didn't imagine that it could get worse and not be able to play them at all.
alternatively, increase extra days from 2 to 3.
also make sure event covers 2 weekends hence easing pressure on workdays ;)
I did took a day off from work and seriously this is not an option.

specially for events in which you have to team up with other players.
+1 its getting out of control lol 7 per day is enough....
Yeah 5 battles per day is optimal imo. It used to be 7 and that used to be doable.

this is a very good suggestion, especially team event.
i usually will not skip any events, but the pirate team event actually made me quit after 20++ battles. 12 battles/day is really not a good idea
Definitely. I feel like a zombie when playing events like this. 6 battles per day for 2 players vs AI is enough. 12 battles per day is acceptable for 1 player vs AI.
For 3 players vs AI I can imagine up to 5 fight per day.
yeah 12 per day was too much :/
well, but there is no obligation to play all event battles, and in the very hypotetical option where one would win them all, with 9 battles one is already entitled to a reward (albeit, lower durability on the arts).

so i don't see it as an issue if people are allowed to get that many battles. Personally sometimes i play some of them, sometimes none, and this time i could do them all (not big difference tho, since i lost many ;) )

and i'm happy to have a chance at trying various artifacts and stratégies. These events make a little change from hunts and other PVE routine battles, which are the only ones i play now, since PVP is out of my league, for the moment :)

so i'd stick with 12 :)
+1 I also didn't start the pirate event since I had no time in the beginning and didn't feel like starting anymore later. Once you're far behind the rest it's also no fun and it's hard to find teams on the extra days anyway.

It should be possible to play all event battles by playing max 2 hours per day.
+1 I also didn't start the pirate event since I had no time in the beginning and didn't feel like starting anymore later. Once you're far behind the rest it's also no fun and it's hard to find teams on the extra days anyway.


Not to mention when i did participate in the last pirate event, it quickly became a chore. I guess i speak for many that too many battles can eventually make the event stale and uninteresting. Even more so when you play recycled-repetitive events. Sorry, had to bring this up besides the issue of time commitment which i think is also very important.
Although I can play 50 battles per day (see my combat log of 22 January), but really I feel like a zombie when playing events like this.
I remenber some old events when 56 was the max battles per event...last event we had 84...12 per day its too much.
+1 for post and +1 remark about the getting behind thing (this sucks in events, so more battles give more chance to get behind)
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