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Authoraura of bravery
suppose my lizards are standing next to minotaur gladiators(Lizard also get 3 morale instead of 1).
If lizard move forward leaving the minotaur behind, would hit morale burst chance be 30% or 10%?
During that travelling period it will 30℅
Suppose it moves 5 steps after standing next to mino it will have 30℅ morale chance for that attack
if it moves away from mino even though it started from an adjacent tile, it wouldn't be affected by the aura at its destination = no 3 morale.
Both the answers seem to be conflicting
negative morale trigger calculated before the unit turn begin (current tile)
positive morale trigger calculated after the unit turn end (ending tile)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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