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AuthorFaction Skill Level
i have Fsl 9 with DE and 3 with almost every faction. i want to know that shld i go for DE 10 now or rest to 5
it depends on what you want really.. i would get DE 10 but that's partly because the alternative seems tedious while 9>10 should just happen effortlessly while playing usual stuff.
If you'll focus your play on PvE, best thing is to develop main faction, all the way to FS12.

If you'll be doing a reasonable amount of PvP, then faction resistances are a must.

So, it depends on what you want. But do think in the long run, not just your current CL.
1. So , does this FSL work against magic attackers aswell?? , like if i have FSL 6 in wizard , will it reduce the damage i take from its spells.

2. Also , we almost get +2 attack with every FSL level we gain in our main faction with some initiative , and after a point we start getting +2 in defense aswell , so isnt it better to develop ur main faction FSL and get those +2 in attack,defense and extra initiative as it will help against all factions , instead of building resistance against just 1 faction 1 by 1?? , please guide
1. Yes, each FSL will decrease dmg from all sources of that faction.

2. It's a maths problem.
The stat increase from levelling up means a certain percentage more dmg done and less received.
If we only look at the resistance gained, however, it's fixed at -3% dmg taken.

So if you have FS10 in main and FS3 in others, you're having a reduction of 30% from main faction and 9% from others.

If you have FS9 in main and FS5 in others, you're having a reduction of 27% from main and 15% from others.

In PvP, this -6% dmg taken from all factions outweight the gain of FS9 > FS10 (+2% initiative, +2 attack, +2 defense of troops).
fsl5 in every faction doesn't consume so many points that you can't have maximum fsl in your main faction too. Maybe a bit later than someone who's got only one faction.

Raise every faction and do it now, if you do it later, it's very goldconsuming because of castle buildings.
for Lord Syrian:

If you'll focus your play on PvE, best thing is to develop main faction, all the way to FS12.

If you'll be doing a reasonable amount of PvP, then faction resistances are a must.

For me: I'm doing only PVE but I like doing all the events, so I think building all factions little by little will be good right?
And also, as far as I can see now, it's rather easy to get faction build for low levels,
I already have 5 FSL in main DE,
and 1 FSL in others, still building one by one.

Any suggestions?
As Menetekel said, the higher the CL, the harder it is to gain fsp in secondary factions, all due to castle buildings needed. One should at least have everything in FS5.

Faction resistance, in events, only applies when you're facing playable factions. For instance, in this one (PoT), it's worthless. For most events, it's more important to have a solid developed main FSL.

In PvE, there are only a few exceptions to this: in TG, and in MG and WG when facing certain quests where the enemy is lead by a playable faction hero. In everything else, resistances don't apply and are worthless.

Keep in mind that in PvE, your focus is on dmg dealt, not received. If an enemy stack can deal 10k dmg, -3% dmg won't make much difference, it will still nuke any stack of yours in a single attack.
for Lord Syrian:

That's a good point,
I think I will build up everything till FSL 2,
Jump to DE, build till 8,
Then again go to other Factions and build till 5,
Getting then DE to 12, and going on with every other faction.

That good?
Play the Portal of Time event as a faction where you will never build the castle.

Just by playing a few PoT events, you can raise several side factions to lvl 3 or higher.
and what u guys think about the extra benefits u get from increasing the skill level of ur main faction , for eg : Necros get like 40+ more reserve troops , Demons get more gated troops , Dwarfs get more ruins .......etc etc , along with the +2 attack , initiative and defense (which i said already)
it is a lot harder to win in pvp with lower fsl in main faction than your opponents.the increase on faction's ability alone is way more important than 6% less damage taken.
In PvP, this -6% dmg taken from all factions outweight the gain of FS9 > FS10 (+2% initiative, +2 attack, +2 defense of troops).

The other way round.
If we talk about PvP, the question is:

In which combat level do you want to be successfull?

Having fsl 5 in 9 counter factions means you need to spend 2520 fsp.

For phoenix22 (CL11, 4000 fsp) it really makes a difference to have this 2520 fsp NOT in the main faction.

For Lord Syrian (CL 18, 40000 fsp) it's not important at all. He will have fsl 12 in any case.

For me (CL 14, 12000 fsp) it means I get fsl 11 a bit later than others.

If you plan to be a PvP beast from level 9 on (entry to CG) and don't waste thoughts on levels 14+: Train only one faction. Period.

If you want be successfull later and don't want to waste gold on heavy level 14+ buildings: Train your counter factions. But your character won't shine in earlier levels. Period.

And don't forget: You always can use potion of skill. For example I could have all factions at fsl 7, use a PoS, have 21% resistance against any faction and have only 1 fsl lower in main faction than my opponent at same level. I've seen VERY successfull PvP players who have spent their fsp like this.

And no, I don't believe the faction bonuses mentioned in #11 help much against 21% damage reduction. 1 rune, a few skeletons or guardians, some def, attack, ini... Nope.
Maybe my math is wrong but a some extra benefits, +2 ini att and def don't give you +21% damage compared to someone who has 1 fsl lower than you. Even when my "fsl all 7" example is extreme, let's stay at 15% resistance, do the benefits give you even 15% more damage?
They don't thats why faction resistance is so important. The only bad thing is that you might not face off against the faction that you built up resistance against. And if you have high fsp you will definitely get that bonus.
i guess i will upgrade my other faction skill levels to lvl 5 , lvl 7 sounds too extreme to me :P

When i go with the might build and not use enchanted weapons i can feel the Faction resistance a little bit , unless i am using 3-4 Luck , cause then its all about 1 lucky hit and there goes all the hardwork of building faction resistance strategy.

During my Magic hellsfire + Decay + chaos build , i dont think i can spot any major diffrence during the fight.

i mostly do 3v3 or CG(started recently loving the mix battles)
On the paper the difference is there, you can't deny it. Of course a lucky hit could tear this paper to pieces. ;)

Have fun! I'm starting CG myself now.
And no, I don't believe the faction bonuses mentioned in #11 help much against 21% damage reduction. 1 rune, a few skeletons or guardians, some def, attack, ini... Nope.

I think the one exception to that is for a Dwarf getting rune of retribution - there is a huge difference pre and post that point. WG;s instantly go from hard to easy for example.
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