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AuthorCampaign scores
So if you lose a lot of troops in a campaign battle, that will reduce the final score, right? Or if you lose a certain battle 3 times, the score will be also reduced.

I was wondering how big is the effect? If I finish all battles while taking a lot of hit, what kind of score reduction are we talking about?

In some rounds I thought I lost plenty of troops, but still got 97%.. so does it really make much difference if I lose few troops per battle or almost all?

Thanks to anyone who knows about this and shares his / her knowledge :)
If I finish all battles while taking a lot of hit, what kind of score reduction are we talking about?

If you think of it in terms of the stars from WG. If you won the battle but got the equivalent of 2 stars - I think you will only lose 1% from that battle. If you won it and it was the equivalent of 1 star, you would lose 2% from that battle. I guess the reductions would add up if you were struggling to beat all battles. I got 77% as Dwarf, losing 1 battle more than 3 times - But most of mine were very lucky wins, so I imagine I was leaking % from each battle.
And do you if there is any score penalty winning at the second or third battle? While after the third battle the info are very clear (you get the minimum score), there are no information about score differences from winning at the first or second or third attempt.

If there are no penalties, it would maybe be tempting to surrender at a first attempt that is not going so well, if you believe to have found the key of the combat for the next attempt. At the limit, you could take the risk of skipping the first attempt, just to see the enemy troops settlement for the next attempt.

Has anybody hints on this?
If you properly win your 2nd or 3rd attemp, it should not have any effect on your total score, you still can reach the top score. Should be reduced after 3rd loss. So yes, you can do 1st attemp in min ap only to see the enemy. But the mostly I was able to win properly on 1st attemp and so I dont think it would be worthy for most players. Maybe only in few buttles that we know they are usually very tough (like dryads+trees battle in 1st campaign)
So finally I finished the campaign I was thinking about when posting this :)

Thanks Corey for the info
I got 77% as Dwarf, losing 1 battle more than 3 times - But most of mine were very lucky wins, so I imagine I was leaking % from each battle.

I also lost 1 battle 3 times, and had some close calls, finishing with 91 %. I guess then that leaking % along the way affects more than losing 1 battle many times.

BTW did you know that you can get licences also during the campaign as battle rewards:

The % penalty for not enough HP left is applied, but there are probably not exactly the same conditions as for the stars in WG. I just passed shadow barbarian finding healer and in few hunt type combats only around 30 ogre magies left what would be probably 2* in WG and I still got 100%. I have a feeling that the penalty comes when it would be like 1* in WG, but still not sure. I remember that as TDE the most of battles were something like 2* from WG and still I got below 90%. The rules for % penalty could be very individual.

Also after 3rd loss the penalty doesn't have to be so huge. Few times I had to lose even 3-4 times and 2 times during certain campaign and still I got around 95%. I believe it is almost the same to lose 3 times in certain battle and to lose 5 times :) the penalty will be +-1% the same I think
I have a feeling that the penalty comes when it would be like 1* in WG, but still not sure.

sounds about right to me too

I believe it is almost the same to lose 3 times in certain battle and to lose 5 times :)

good to know :) It gets easier each time after 3rd right?
good to know :) It gets easier each time after 3rd right?
Yes it does.

There is an example of 3rd, 4th and 5th attempt of certain battle:
3rd https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=818964827&show_for_all=cc2f54e504&lt=-1
4th https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=818967104&show_for_all=3f32ddbfc2&lt=-1
5th https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=818969981&show_for_all=5db936a297&lt=-1

And still I got 110 points for that campaign (92%)

Btw there are probably some bugs in campaign. on CL13 I played TDE campaign on expert level and sent my links to Luffy and as he claimed (he sent me his links too), all his battles were more difficult - the same army just higher numbers by 10-20% if I can remember (played few days after me). I can't find any answer how is it possible because we had the same conditions (CL and campaign difficulty)
Unfortunately he sent me his links on skype and I can't see those messages anymore
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