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AuthorDark elf beginnings
Just started playing game for the first time and i have decided that i would like to play dark elfs, my favorite fantasy race.
Now i saw that when ever i lvl-up i can add 1 to my skills. What should i lvl up first ? What are good strategies for playing dark elf ? What unit compositions should i make ? Is there guide for dark elfs ?
Most people put it into attack, but feel free to try different things, you can reset the points by buying a potion of oblivion from the art shop (for free) :)
OK thats nice i thought that those points are permanent
General tipps for beginners:

- Don't rush through levels
- Enroll!
- Avoid too much PvP
- XP points are kind of a bad thing, faction skill points a good thing.
- If you want to do PvP later in the game, build up your other factions in the early game, because it gives you resistances in PvP and castle buildings are cheap in early levels.

You will get a picture of the game with time.

Good strategy for Dark Elf: Do much damage. Quick. :)
Ok ty, i kinda wanted to focus only on dark elfs but i will enroll, how do i get resistances in pvp ? With faction points ?
one off topic question how do i get diamonds ? can i buy them for gold ? I wanted to get into thief guild.
You get resistances automatically when you level up other factions guilds. You can buy diamonds for gold at the Diamond Repository in Empire Capital (on the map). They are 15,000 gold per diamond, quite expensive if you ask me. Alternatively, you can buy diamonds with actual, real-life currency through the donations page on your character screen. It would take a very long time to buy enough diamonds for a thief invitation. You could either buy the thief invitation with diamonds or buy it from the market for gold, which are much better options than buying diamonds with gold and then buying the invitation.
Ah ok ty for advice,
what is max level of faction guilds ?
sry stupid question,
those are faction guilds, right http://prntscr.com/f9d0bi ?
yes faction Levels not guilds

Basically this:
damage dealt to you by representatives of this very faction - every skill level decreases the damage dealt by that faction to you by 3%;

so for example lvl 5 Knight (15% less damage from knights)
oh that's nice, ty
:) good luck
Are there some unit compositions i should play ?
What upgradede units are better ?
Some usefull info

And dont play rullete. Its quick way to become poor more often then go off positive!
And at low levels its more beneficial to have one faction.
ok ty for info i will look into it, ok i will stay away i am not good at gambling , i never tried it in rl so gambling isn't something that attracts me.
Are there some player vratete guilds or factions/clans ? Is there benefit in joining one or is it purely for good time ?

You can find a list of clans here
There are benefits to be in a military clan.
Btw a side question for you, how did you find this game? I haven't seen a new player in a while. Was it by advertisement or did a friend share this game to you?
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There you go, he started allready :)
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