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AuthorDark elf beginnings
XD i guess i did
Actually my father found this game like 5+ years ago, he really liked playing homnm 3, yesterday i wanted to play a little bit of it myself and than i remembered that he also played something on internet that looked like homnm 5 and after a hour of searching i finally found it.
What should i do with equipment with 0 durability ?
Discard is fine
ok ty
Still going with the roulette I see. :P
quick question i got lvl4 and that quest giver is saying i should "Found up for level5 ammunition"what does thah mean ?
p.s. why does it take 16min for next hunt ?
quick question i got lvl4 and that quest giver is saying i should "Found up for level5 ammunition"what does thah mean ?

You will need a minimum ammunition of artifacts (weapons/armor etc.) to play a battle from level 5 onwards. Artifacts have ammunition points (AP, check your inventory). Also called "Min AP".

p.s. why does it take 16min for next hunt ?

Because. ;) (it's just designed like this, you can lower the time with Hunter's license or Abu Bakir's Charm. 1st not really worth it, 2nd if you play a lot and have 50k gold in spare).
Oh, another thing:

If you really like this game and want to play it longer, create a 2nd account (you should name it in your profile page, check rules for additional accounts!) and use it to only enroll and play only battles when "workaholic penalty" appears.

Many players do mistakes in character building with their first char and start over. If you do so, you will be happy to have a low level character with tons of gold. Trust me :)
Totally in the trap of roulette
If you really like this game and want to play it longer, create a 2nd account (you should name it in your profile page, check rules for additional accounts!) and use it to only enroll and play only battles when "workaholic penalty" appears.

Many players do mistakes in character building with their first char and start over. If you do so, you will be happy to have a low level character with tons of gold. Trust me :)

what an advice, I bet he will break the transfer rule. because he is Totally in the trap of roulette
"See! There! He's playing roulette!! We must save him!! Let's spam him with our best anti roulette preachings to show the world we know it better!"

Do you guys sometimes read yourself writing? Do you think he will quit it if you write 20 times roulette is evil? Maybe it's fun to him?

check rules for additional accounts!

I warned him.
Here's a thing with roulette, you know how you can place bets on either red or black and you get double of bet back for example you place 100 on red you get 200 back but if you loose you can place again on red and than maybe you win, but when you are placing 2nd time you place double in this example 200 and you get 300 back you won 100 you just continue doing this until you win or in this game until you hit gold cap on bets and loose :(. on lvl4 you have 6 chances to make it work. But sometimes world just hates you.
I know that hunts are getting longer to get but 45 min is little bit too much ?
What can i do while waiting for next hunt ? i don't want to play pvp so i don't get more exp than i need to ? And is it good idea to build everything in every town ?
for ValeraNaur:
There is maximum bet aswell dont forget it
yeah i know that's why i said that on lvl4 yuo get 6 shots until you are broke
p.s. how doable are campaigns on lvl4 ?
What can i do while waiting for next hunt ?

Tavern game, or... something in real life
Great roulette strategy.. except you're forgetting 0 and 00. :P

if you can get into tavern games whilst waiting for your hunts etc, I would very much recommend doing that. :)
yeah 0 ,00 are always in your opposite color, there are 36 (whit 0,00) numbers and 12 are winning numbers so you have 33% chance on every spin, but sometimes luck isn't oon your side and you loose all 6 chances XD

I tried playing card game in tavern, does anyone here plays mtg ?
Erm just some basic math. The world doesn't hate you, the chance for you to lose 6 times in a row is (20/38)^6 = 2.1%, approximately 1 in 47. Now, say you win 46 times, and lose once(as by probability you will in long term), let's see how much you make or lose.

Let me assume your highest bet is 4k gold. Then your lowest much 4000/(2^5), since you said you will bet 6 times, doubling each time. Therefore your lowest is 125 gold. Note that by this well known strategy of betting, known as the Martingale system, your win will always be 125 gold, no matter in which of the six bets you win, as long as you do win. Therefore 46 times you profit 125 gold, net profit = 5750 gold. Now, you lose once, and in one loss you lose 4000+2000+1000+500+250+125 = 7875 gold. So on average, in 47 spins you will have a net loss of 2125 gold. The point is, it's not a huge loss, but it's not a profit.

There have been many great mathematicians who have worked on game theory and gambling(not the same however), and roulette has been proven to be a game mathematically made for the player to lose in the long run. So play roulette for the thrill of it, NOT for profit.

Anyway, since you came here fore the game, HoMM, might as well drop roulette and enjoy the game. Stuff gets more interesting at higher levels :) And you will meet a lot of great people here!

PS: If you really do wanna gamble, I recommend tavern. It is a game which is not a mathematical loss like roulette. However, it involves skill. So play a hundred or so games without bet, and if you feel confident then start betting.

Good luck and have fun! :)
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