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AuthorHow exactly to play tavern well?
I am very confused, some people have 10+ million in winning and insane win/loss ratio, but how?

I mean certainly mine isn't the worst either, but it still astonishes me, what exactly are they doing differently?
Do they use some kind of a program to keep track of all the cards played and all possible and likely cards opponent might have? I mean that sounds fairly easy to build but I don't know how to. But still I doubt ALL these people do that. So what is it that gives such a high win/loss ratio?
Master it.
The deck is not very large. It is easy enough to remember the cards that have been played and to consider the cards the opponent has. I have almost 2000 games and I can saw that for the last 300-400 of them I have comfortably known each of the available cards.

Another strategy is to only play people who are lower Gamblers' Guild than you. There is a vast difference between someone who has played 10,000 card games and someone who has played 1,000. You might make better decisions or more interesting tactical plays against those players who are not familiar with the deck - So you stack the odds in your favour.

Finally, you can consider different areas of play. When we talk about cards, all too often people think of the standard EC conditions and argue that there are few skills to playing cards, only luck. Some of the other regions have better winning conditions that are more suited to tactical play. Yes, you can only play the cards you have in front of you, but if you have enough practice in another area with its winning conditions, you can set yourself up for victory over those who play with the standard EC conditions most of the time.
Start asking how to play roulette instead, mate.
Another strategy is to only play people who are lower Gamblers' Guild than you

i'll just comment on this one.

It's a huge mistake to think that because a player has 10X times more games than you he will have more experience.
First of all, there are a lot of players that, abandoning a main character and starting anew, may have very good card experience even with only a handful of games appearing in their records.
Second, there's the matter of brains: some people are just good at grabbing stuff faster, better, than others. So where one needs 1000 games to get the grind, other may be going with 10.
And last, some people may just be that gifted and without understanding the mechanics, work with "feeling". Feeling is the same as brain, but done in the inconscious part of their mind.

You may say each of these, taken by themselves, represent a small %. But when you put them side by side, i'm sure that i'm not much mistaken in considering it covers a good third of the low levels.

There are strategies that make you win a lot, and they all pass through one golden rule: don't overbet.

I have a comfortable advantage now in my total game rewards, however it is at least half (and probably less) of what it may be if i had played steadily in my bets, rather than rushing.

The thing is, those who have 5M+ earnings are people that, beside playing a lot, always stay on the same amounts. So, for example, they play 1K, or 2k, or 5k gold every time, win or lose.

People like me, tend to increase their betting on the next game when losing, and reduce it when not in a strong moood for playing, or after winning big.

So that makes that, although i have a 57% winning rate, my earning are around 4%, whereas another player (i'll take this one as an example : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=349662) with only a 54% winning ratio has an earning of 5.4%.

It may seems a small difference, but actually that extra 1.4% equals a couple of millions in his earnings, compared to where i'll be when i will have played as many games as he does.

So the key is: stay steady ;)

There are a lot of consideration that could be made forth, but then again, can't give out all the secrets, right?
Hmm interesting.

Corey, perhaps instead of low GG, maybe do you mean people with a low win ratio(less than 50%)?
I have experienced that often works in your favour... but what if you can't choose your opponent? I mean tournaments.
I still haven't decided if I will focus on card tournaments or 1vs1, but if I do play only tournaments, then what is the strategy? Obviously the conditions(EC) and opponent are neither chosen by me, so I have to deal with it. Under these circumstances too, there are many people who have 5+ million profit from almost only playing tourneys... so how exactly are they playing better than most(like me)?
remember two things:

1) in tournaments, the fees you pay to join are not shown. So they have played some 1000 games, won 10, but you only see the wins. That fakes the numbers quite a bit

2) tournaments are generally less rewarding than normal games. You can play a tournament with 5 games and win 36k gold, or you can play 4 games at 10k and win 40k (assuming you win in both cases).

Tournaments require luck and memory. You need to accept that in some games, you just can't win, and play them out on time.
Often if you are too taken by the game, you may mistakenly play too fast and give opponent a chance to time you out, or if you wait too soon, he may be able to surprise you and level up his tower or level yours down at the last moment.

Timed games are quite different from standard ones.
for randomr1:
No I mean picking someone with a low GG. It's a general rule, if as Guyb reasons the number of players who are actually "new main" accounts is roughly 33% - that is still 66% of players who are likely to be less familiar with the deck. My reasoning behind picking those players is that your familiarity with the deck should in theory be better than their familiarity, allowing you to make better decisions.

in tournaments, the fees you pay to join are not shown.

I think they have fixed this. Initially when the card tournaments came onto .Com it was not displaying them. However, after the merge they have been displayed. I will test this out in the next tournament.

but what if you can't choose your opponent? I mean tournaments.

I think tournaments are a lot harder to strategize for in cards. A lot of luck and the occasional player who uses time to their advantage. I just compare those players who win a lot of card tournaments to those who win a lot of roulette - lucky ;)
in tournaments, the fees you pay to join are not shown.

I can confirm that the fees you pay are shown in the defeats column. The value increases from the moment you select to enter the tournament, not when the tournament begins or after it has ended.
ok then

i suppose that even on .RU the old system would hide the fees, so old players (before the merge) must still have some hidden losses that equilibrate a bit their totals.

But I agree, tournaments are mostly a matter of luck, there are some people bound to come out luckier than others.

However they probably also make less mistakes and are less distracted than the general mass of players. So they win some matches that, if everyone's game was perfect, would be loss.
Hmm I see. Also I think when you face bots in tourneys your win rate will be 90% or something... so that's a plus.
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